Pico OLED 1.3
| ||
This 1.3inch OLED display module is designed for Raspberry Pi Pico, 64 x 128 pixels, supports SPI/I2C interface.
Working voltage | 2.6V ~ 5.5V |
Current | 40mA |
Controller | SH1107 |
Interface | 4-wire SPI / I2C |
Resolution | 64 x 128 Pixels |
Pixel size | 0.15 × 0.15mm |
Display area | 14.70 × 29.42mm |
Outline dimension | 52.00 x25.00(mm) |
OLED and its controller
This OLED integrates the SH1107 controller which has 128 x 128 bits SRAM, and supports 128 x 128 resolution. The controller features SPI/IIC/ 6800/8080 interface and 256 brightness levels. The resolution of this 1.3inch OLED is only 64 x 128, and only half of the SRAM is used.
This OLED uses four-line SPI and I2C interface for communicating, which supports higher compatibility and speed.
Note: The MISO pin is hidden, for more details, you can refer to Datasheet Page11.
CS: Chip selection of the slaver, the chip is activated when CS is Low;
SI(D1): This is MOSI pin, the pin is used to transmit data from master to slaver;
SCL(D0)is the SPI clock
A0: This is the DC pin, it is used to determine the data input, DC=0: command is sent;
SPI communication has data transfer timing, which is combined by CPHA and CPOL.
CPOL determines the level of the serial synchronous clock at an idle state. When CPOL = 0, the level is Low. However, CPOL has little effect on the transmission.
CPHA determines whether data is collected at the first clock edge or at the second clock edge of the serial synchronous clock; when CPHL = 0, data is collected at the first clock edge.
According to the figure, SCL is high in idle and it starts to transmit data at the second edge. therefore the timing is Mode 3 (0x11). Data is transmitted in MSB format.
Hardware connection
Please take care of the direction when you connect Pico/Pico2, an USB port is printed to indicate. You can also check the pin of Pico/Pico2 and the OLED board when connecting.
You can connect the display according to the table.
e-Paper | Pico/Pico2 | Description |
VCC | VSYS | Power Input |
DIN | GP11 | MOSI pin of SPI, data transmitted from Master t Slave |
CLK | GP10 | SCK pin of SPI, clock pin |
CS | GP9 | Chip selection of SPI, low active |
DC | GP8 | Data/Command control pin (High:data; Low: command) |
RST | GP12 | Reset pin, low active |
Connection(with adapter board)
Setup environment
Please refer to Raspberry Pi's guide:https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/pico/getting-started/
Download Demo codes
Open terminal and run the following command:
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full cd ~ sudo wget https://files.waveshare.com/upload/5/5a/Pico_code.7z 7z x Pico_OLED_code.7z -o./Pico_OLED_code cd ~/Pico_OLED_code cd c/build/
Run the Demo codes
This guides is based on Raspberry Pi.
As the module adopts SPI by default, you must modify the backside resistor when connecting with an I2C device.
C examples
Open a terminal and enter the directory of C codes:
cd ~/Pico_OLED_code/c/
Open main.c and select the corresponding module:
sudo nano main.c
If the display you use is Pico-OLED-1.3, you need to uncomment the line OLED_1in3_C_test() and save it.
Create a build folder and add SDK:
For example, if the path of SDK is ../../pico-sdk
Then you should create build and add the path like these:
mkdir build cd build export PICO_SDK_PATH=../../pico-sdk #export PICO_SDK_PATH=/home/pi/pico/pico-sdk
Run cmake.. command to to generate Makefile file
#Pico cmake -DPICO_BOARD=pico -DPICO_PLATFORM=rp2040 .. #Pico2 cmake -DPICO_BOARD=pico2 -DPICO_PLATFORM=rp2350 ..
Run make command to build.
make -j
When the compilation is complete, the uf2 file will be generated. Press and hold the button on the Pico board, connect the Pico to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi via the micro USB cable, and then release the button. Once connected, the Raspberry Pi will automatically recognize a removable disk (RPI-RP2), and copy the main.uf2 file from the build folder to the recognized removable disk (RPI-RP2).
#Pico cp main.uf2 /media/pi/RPI-RP2/ #Pico2 cp main.uf2 /media/pi/RP2350
Python codes
Use in Windows
- 1. Press and hold the BOOTSET button on the Pico board, connect the pico to the USB port of the computer through the Micro USB cable, and release the button after the computer recognizes a removable hard disk (RPI-RP2).
- 2. Copy the uf2 file in the python directory to the recognized removable disk (RPI-RP2).
- Pico: rp2-pico-20210418-v1.15.uf2
- Pico 2: rp2-pcio2-20240809-v1.24.0.uf2
- 3. Open Thonny IDE (Note: Use the latest version of Thonny, otherwise there is no Pico support package, the latest version under Windows is v3.3.3).
- 4. Click Tools->Settings->Interpreter, select Pico and the corresponding port as shown in the figure.
- 5. File -> Open -> the corresponding .py file, click to run, as shown in the following figure:
This demo provides a simple program...
Run in Raspberry Pi
- 1. The process of flashing the firmware is the same as on Windows, and you have the option of copying the .uf2 format file into the Pico/Pico2 on your PC or Raspberry Pi.
- 2. Open the Thonny IDE on the Raspberry Pi (click on the Raspberry logo -> Programming -> Thonny Python IDE) and you can view the version information at Help -> About Thonny.
- 3. Open the Thonny IDE in Raspberry Pi, update it if it doesn't support Pico
- 4. Configure the port by choosing MicroPython(Raspberry Pi and ttyACM0 port) in Tools -> Options... -> Interpreter
If your Thonny doesn't support Pico, you can update it with the following command:
sudo apt upgrade thonny
- Choose File->Open...->python/ and select the corresponding .py file to run the codes
Codes Analysis
Bottom hardware interface
We package the hardware layer for easily porting to the different hardware platforms.
DEV_Config.c(.h) in the directory:...\c\lib\Config
- Data type:
#define UBYTE uint8_t #define UWORD uint16_t #define UDOUBLE uint32_t
- Module initialize and exit:
void DEV_Module_Init(void); void DEV_Module_Exit(void); Note: 1.The functions above are used to initialize the display or exit handle.
- GPIO write/read:
void DEV_Digital_Write(UWORD Pin, UBYTE Value); UBYTE DEV_Digital_Read(UWORD Pin);
- SPI transmit data
void DEV_SPI_WriteByte(UBYTE Value);
Application functions
We provide basic GUI functions for testing, like draw point, line, string and so on.
The GUI function can be found in directory:..\c\lib\GUI\GUI_Paint.c(.h)
The fonts used can be found in directory: RaspberryPi\c\lib\Fonts
- Create a new image, you can set the image name, width, height, rotate angle and color.
void Paint_NewImage(UWORD *image, UWORD Width, UWORD Height, UWORD Rotate, UWORD Color, UWORD Depth) Parameter: image : Name of the image buffer, this is a pointer; Width : Width of the image; Height: Height of the image; Rotate: Rotate angle of the Image; Color : The initial color of the image; Depth : Depth of the color
- Select image buffer: You can create multiple image buffers at the same time and select the certain one and drawing by this function.
void Paint_SelectImage(UBYTE *image) Parameter: image: The name of the image buffer, this is a pointer;
- Rotate image: You need to set the rotate angle of the image, this function should be used after Paint_SelectImage(). The angle can 0, 90, 180, 270
void Paint_SetRotate(UWORD Rotate) Parameter: Rotate: Rotate angle of the image, the parameter can be ROTATE_0, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270.
- Image mirror: This function is used to set the image mirror.
void Paint_SetMirroring(UBYTE mirror) Parameter: mirror: Mirror type if the image, the parameter can be MIRROR_NONE、MIRROR_HORIZONTAL、MIRROR_VERTICAL、MIRROR_ORIGIN.
- Set the position and color of pixels: This is the basic function of GUI, it is used to set the position and color of a pixel in the buffer.
void Paint_SetPixel(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color) Parameter: Xpoint: The X-axis position of the point in the image buffer Ypoint: The Y-axis position of the point in the image buffer Color : The color of the point
- Color of the image: To set the color of the image, this function always be used to clear the display.
void Paint_Clear(UWORD Color) Parameter: Color: The color of the image
- Color of the windows: This function is used to set the color of windows, it always used for updating partial areas like displaying a clock.
void Paint_ClearWindows(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color) Parameter: Xstart: X-axis position of the start point. Ystart: Y-axis position of the start point. Xend: X-axis position of the end point. Yend: Y-axis position of the end point Color: Color of the windows.
- Draw point: Draw a point at the position (Xpoint, Ypoint) of image buffer, you can configure the color, size, and the style.
void Paint_DrawPoint(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Dot_Pixel, DOT_STYLE Dot_Style) Parameter: Xpoint: X-axis position of the point. Ypoint: Y-axis position of the point Color: Color of the point Dot_Pixel: Size of the point, 8 sizes are available. typedef enum { DOT_PIXEL_1X1 = 1, // 1 x 1 DOT_PIXEL_2X2 , // 2 X 2 DOT_PIXEL_3X3 , // 3 X 3 DOT_PIXEL_4X4 , // 4 X 4 DOT_PIXEL_5X5 , // 5 X 5 DOT_PIXEL_6X6 , // 6 X 6 DOT_PIXEL_7X7 , // 7 X 7 DOT_PIXEL_8X8 , // 8 X 8 } DOT_PIXEL; Dot_Style: Style of the point, it define the extednded mode of the point. typedef enum { DOT_FILL_AROUND = 1, DOT_FILL_RIGHTUP, } DOT_STYLE;
- Draw line: Draw a lin from (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend) in image buffer, you can configure the color, width and the style.
void Paint_DrawLine(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, LINE_STYLE Line_Style , LINE_STYLE Line_Style) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of the line Ystart: Ystart of the line Xend: Xend of the line Yend: Yend of the line Color: Color of the line Line_width: Width of the line, 8 sizes are available. typedef enum { DOT_PIXEL_1X1 = 1, // 1 x 1 DOT_PIXEL_2X2 , // 2 X 2 DOT_PIXEL_3X3 , // 3 X 3 DOT_PIXEL_4X4 , // 4 X 4 DOT_PIXEL_5X5 , // 5 X 5 DOT_PIXEL_6X6 , // 6 X 6 DOT_PIXEL_7X7 , // 7 X 7 DOT_PIXEL_8X8 , // 8 X 8 } DOT_PIXEL; Line_Style: Style of the line, Solid or Dotted. typedef enum { LINE_STYLE_SOLID = 0, LINE_STYLE_DOTTED, } LINE_STYLE;
- Draw rectangle: Draw a rectangle from (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend) , you can configure the color, width, and style.
void Paint_DrawRectangle(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of the rectangle. Ystart: Ystart of the rectangle. Xend: Xend of the rectangle. Yend: Yend of the rectangle. Color: Color of the rectangle Line_width: The width of the edges. 8 sizes are available. typedef enum { DOT_PIXEL_1X1 = 1, // 1 x 1 DOT_PIXEL_2X2 , // 2 X 2 DOT_PIXEL_3X3 , // 3 X 3 DOT_PIXEL_4X4 , // 4 X 4 DOT_PIXEL_5X5 , // 5 X 5 DOT_PIXEL_6X6 , // 6 X 6 DOT_PIXEL_7X7 , // 7 X 7 DOT_PIXEL_8X8 , // 8 X 8 } DOT_PIXEL; Draw_Fill: Style of the rectangle, empty or filled. typedef enum { DRAW_FILL_EMPTY = 0, DRAW_FILL_FULL, } DRAW_FILL;
- Draw circle: Draw a circle in image buffer, use (X_Center Y_Center) as center and Radius as radius. You can configure the color, width of line and the style of circle.
void Paint_DrawCircle(UWORD X_Center, UWORD Y_Center, UWORD Radius, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill) Parameter: X_Center: X-axis of center Y_Center: Y-axis of center Radius:radius of circle Color: Color of the circle Line_width: The width of arc, 8 sizes are available. typedef enum { DOT_PIXEL_1X1 = 1, // 1 x 1 DOT_PIXEL_2X2 , // 2 X 2 DOT_PIXEL_3X3 , // 3 X 3 DOT_PIXEL_4X4 , // 4 X 4 DOT_PIXEL_5X5 , // 5 X 5 DOT_PIXEL_6X6 , // 6 X 6 DOT_PIXEL_7X7 , // 7 X 7 DOT_PIXEL_8X8 , // 8 X 8 } DOT_PIXEL; Draw_Fill: Style of the circle: empty or filled. typedef enum { DRAW_FILL_EMPTY = 0, DRAW_FILL_FULL, } DRAW_FILL;
- Show Ascii character: Show a characeter in (Xstart, Ystart) position, you can configure the font, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawChar(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char Ascii_Char, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of the character Ystart: Ystart of the character Ascii_Char:Ascii char Font: five fonts are avaialble: font8:5*8 font12:7*12 font16:11*16 font20:14*20 font24:17*24 Color_Foreground: foreground color Color_Background: background color
- Draw string: Draw string at (Xstart Ystart) , you can configure the fonts, foreground and the background
void Paint_DrawString_EN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of the string Ystart: Ystart of the string pString:String Font: five fonts are available: font8:5*8 font12:7*12 font16:11*16 font20:14*20 font24:17*24的 Color_Foreground: foreground color Color_Background: background color
- Draw Chiness string: Draw Chinese string at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer. You can configure fonts (GB2312), foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawString_CN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, cFONT* font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of string Ystart: Ystart of string pString:string Font: GB2312 fonts, two fonts are available : font12CN:ascii 11*21,Chinese 16*21 font24CN:ascii 24*41,Chinese 32*41 Color_Foreground: Foreground color Color_Background: Background color
- Draw number: Draw numbers at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer. You can select font, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawNum(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, int32_t Nummber, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of numbers Ystart: Ystart of numbers Nummber:numbers displayed. It support int type and 2147483647 are the maximum supported Font: Ascii fonts, five fonts are available: font8:5*8 font12:7*12 font16:11*16 font20:14*20 font24:17*24 Color_Foreground: Foregroud color Color_Background: Background color
- Draw float numbers: Draw float number at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer, you can configure fonts, foreground, and background.
void Paint_DrawFloatNum(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, double Number, UBYTE Decimal_Point, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background); Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of the number Ystart: Ystart of the number Nummber:The float number. Double type. Decimal_Point:The decimal number Font: Ascii fonts, five fonts are avaialble.: font8:5*8 font12:7*12 font16:11*16 font20:14*20 font24:17*24 Color_Foreground: Foreground Color_Background: Background
- Display time: Display time at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer, you can configure fonts, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawTime(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, PAINT_TIME *pTime, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Background, UWORD Color_Foreground) Parameter: Xstart: Xstart of time Ystart: Ystart of time pTime:Structure of time Font: Ascii font, five fonts are avaialble font8:5*8 font12:7*12 font16:11*16 font20:14*20 font24:17*24 Color_Foreground: Foreground Color_Background: Background
Development Software
- Zimo221.7z
- Image2Lcd.7z
- Font Library Tutorial
- Image Extraction Tutorial
- Thonny Python IDE (Windows V3.3.3)
Pico Getting Started
Firmware Download
MicroPython Series
Install Thonny IDE
In order to facilitate the development of Pico/Pico2 boards using MicroPython on a computer, it is recommended to download the Thonny IDE
- Download Thonny IDE and follow the steps to install, the installation packages are all Windows versions, please refer to Thonny's official website for other versions
- After installation, the language and motherboard environment need to be configured for the first use. Since we are using Pico/Pico2, pay attention to selecting the Raspberry Pi option for the motherboard environment
- Configure MicroPython environment and choose Pico/Pico2 port
- Connect Pico/Pico2 to your computer first, and in the lower right corner of Thonny left-click on the configuration environment option --> select Configture interpreter
- In the pop-up window, select MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico), and choose the corresponding port
Flash Firmware
- Click OK to return to the Thonny main interface, download the corresponding firmware library and burn it to the device, and then click the Stop button to display the current environment in the Shell window
- Note: Flashing the Pico2 firmware provided by Micropython may cause the device to be unrecognized, please use the firmware below or in the package
- How to download the firmware library for Pico/Pico2 in windows: After holding down the BOOT button and connecting to the computer, release the BOOT button, a removable disk will appear on the computer, copy the firmware library into it
- How to download the firmware library for RP2040/RP2350 in windows: After connecting to the computer, press the BOOT key and the RESET key at the same time, release the RESET key first and then release the BOOT key, a removable disk will appear on the computer, copy the firmware library into it (you can also use the Pico/Pico2 method)
MicroPython Series
【MicroPython】 machine.Pin class function details
【MicroPython】machine.PWM class function details
【MicroPython】machine.ADC class function details
【MicroPython】machine.UART class function details
【MicroPython】machine.I2C class function details
【MicroPython】machine.SPI class function details
【MicroPython】rp2.StateMachine class function details
C/C++ Series
For C/C++, it is recommended to use Pico VS Code for development. This is a Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension designed to make it easier for you to create, develop, and debug projects for the Raspberry Pi Pico series development boards. No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this tool can assist you in developing Pico with confidence and ease. Here's how to install and use the extension.
- Official website tutorial: https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/pico-vscode-extension/
- This tutorial is suitable for Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico2 and the RP2040 and RP2350 series development boards developed by Waveshare
- The development environment defaults to Windows11. For other environments, please refer to the official tutorial for installation
Install VSCode
First, click to download pico-vscode package, unzip and open the package, double-click to install VSCode
Note: If vscode is installed, check if the version is v1.87.0 or later
Install Extension
Click Extensions and select Install from VSIX
Select the package with the vsix suffix and click Install
Then vscode will automatically install raspberry-pi-pico and its dependency extensions, you can click Refresh to check the installation progress
The text in the right lower corner shows that the installation is complete. Close VSCode
Configure Extension
Open directory C:\Users\username and copy the entire .pico-sdk to that directory
The Copy is completed
Open vscode and configure the paths for the Raspberry Pi Pico extensions
The configuration is as follows:Cmake Path: ${HOME}/.pico-sdk/cmake/v3.28.6/bin/cmake.exe Git Path: ${HOME}/.pico-sdk/git/cmd/git.exe Ninja Path: ${HOME}/.pico-sdk/ninja/v1.12.1/ninja.exe Python3 Path: ${HOME}/.pico-sdk/python/3.12.1/python.exe
New Project
The configuration is complete, create a new project, enter the project name, select the path, and click Create to create the project
To test the official example, you can click on the Example next to the project name to select
The project is created successfully
Select the SDK version
Select Yes for advanced configuration
Choose the cross-compilation chain, 13.2.Rel1 is applicable for ARM cores, RISCV.13.3 is applicable for RISCV cores. You can select either based on your requirements
Select default for CMake version (the path configured earlier)
Select default for Ninjaversion
Select the development board
Click Complie to compile
The uf2 format file is successfully compiled
Import Project
- The Cmake file of the imported project cannot have Chinese (including comments), otherwise the import may fail
To import your own project, you need to add a line of code to the Cmake file to switch between pico and pico2 normally, otherwise even if pico2 is selected, the compiled firmware will still be suitable for pico
set(PICO_BOARD pico CACHE STRING "Board type")
Update Extension
The extension version in the offline package is 0.15.2, and you can also choose to update to the latest version after the installation is complete
Arduino IDE Series
Install Arduino IDE
First, go to Arduino official website to download the installation package of the Arduino IDE.
Here, you can select Just Download.
Once the download is complete, click Install.
Notice: During the installation process, it will prompt you to install the driver, just click Install
Arduino IDE Interface
After the first installation, when you open the Arduino IDE, it will be in English. You can switch to other languages in File --> Preferences, or continue using the English interface.
In the Language field, select the language you want to switch to, and click OK.
Install Arduino-Pico Core in the Arduino IDE
Open the Arduino IDE, click on the file in the top left corner, and select Preferences
Add the following link to the attached board manager URL, and then click OK
Note: If you already have an ESP32 board URL, you can use a comma to separate the URLs as follows:https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json,https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico/releases/download/4.0.2/package_rp2040_index.json
Click Tools > Development Board > Board Manager > Search pico, as my computer has already been installed, it shows that it is installed
Upload Demo at the First Time
Press and hold the BOOTSET button on the Pico board, connect the pico to the USB port of the computer via the Micro USB cable, and release the button after the computer recognizes a removable hard disk (RPI-RP2).
- Download the program and open D1-LED.ino under the arduino\PWM\D1-LED path
Click Tools --> Port, remember the existing COM, do not click this COM (the COM displayed is different on different computers, remember the COM on your own computer)
Connect the driver board to the computer using a USB cable. Then, go to Tools > Port. For the first connection, select uf2 Board. After uploading, when you connect again, an additional COM port will appear
Click Tools > Development Board > Raspberry Pi Pico > Raspberry Pi Pico or Raspberry Pi Pico 2
- After setting it up, click the right arrow to upload the program
- If issues arise during this period, and if you need to reinstall or update the Arduino IDE version, it is necessary to uninstall the Arduino IDE completely. After uninstalling the software, you need to manually delete all contents within the C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Arduino15 folder (you need to show hidden files to see this folder). Then, proceed with a fresh installation.
Open Source Demos
MircoPython video demo (github)
MicroPython firmware/Blink demos (C)
Raspberry Pi official C/C++ demo (github)
Raspberry Pi official micropython demo (github)
Arduino official C/C++ demo (github)
Technical Support
If you need technical support or have any feedback/review, please click the Submit Now button to submit a ticket, Our support team will check and reply to you within 1 to 2 working days. Please be patient as we make every effort to help you to resolve the issue.
Working Time: 9 AM - 6 PM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)