Pico 10DOF IMU

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Pico 10DOF IMU
Pico e-Paper 2.9







The Pico-10DOF-IMU is an IMU sensor expansion module specialized for Raspberry Pi Pico. It incorporates sensors including a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, and baroceptor, and uses an I2C bus for communication.
Combined with the Raspberry Pi Pico, it can be used to collect environment sensing data like temperature and barometric pressure or to easily DIY a robot that detects motion gestures and orientations.


  • Standard Raspberry Pi Pico header supports Raspberry Pi Pico series.
  • Onboard ICM20948 (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis magnetometer) for detecting motion gesture, orientation, and magnetic field.
  • Onboard LPS22HB barometric pressure sensor, for sensing the atmospheric pressure of the environment.
  • Provides online complete manual and resources (example programs such as Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ and Micro Python).


Sensor Parameters
Acceslerometer Resolution: 16 bits
Measuring range (optional): ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g
Operating current: 450uA
Gyroscope Resolution: 16 bits
Measuring range (optional): ±250, ±500, ±1000, ±2000°/sec
Operating current: 3.2mA
Magnetometer Resolution: 14 bits
Measuring range: ±4900µT
Operating current: 280uA
Baroceptor Measuring range: 260 ~ 1260hPa
Measuring accuracy (ordinary temperature): ±0.025hPa
Measuring speed: 1Hz - 75Hz
Electric Parameters
Operating voltage 5V

Hardware Description

  • Pico-10DOF-IMU has three revisions:
    • 1. USB silkscreen update, add XYZ axis silkscreen and add 0R resistor for power management.
    • 2. The FSYNC, ICM.INT, and LPS.INT pins are respectively connected to two groups of GPIOs with 0-ohm resistors to avoid GPIO conflicts when sharing with other modules.
    • 3. Use MPU9250 instead of ICM20948, and change the silkscreen name to Pico-10DOF-IMU Rev2.1.

Hardware Connection

1. Note that the USB Logo on the Pico-10DOF-IMU Rev2.1 corresponds to the USB connection direction of the Raspberry Pi Pico.
2. When downloading the C demo, be sure to press and hold the BOOT key before connecting the USB cable.

Axial Description

The axes of the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer on the MPU9250 are shown in the figure below. The magnetometer on the MPU9250 will be interfered with by hard magnetic, so when the data read by the magnetometer is fitted with an ellipsoid, the sphere is off-center and does not Circle. This will bring an initial magnetic field offset to the magnetometer, making the magnetometer data eccentric. The magnetometer needs to be initialized when the power is turned on. Please refer to the initialization chapter below.
Pico 10DOF IMU Spe01.jpg


1. Pico-10DOF-IMU Rev2.1 uses GPIO as shown in the figure above, in which SDA (GPIO6), SCL (GPIO7) pins are fixedly connected, MPU9250 INT (GPIO4), FSYNC (GPIO22), LPS22HB INT (GPIO5) can be connected through 0R The resistance change connection pins are MPU9250 INT (GPIO22), FSYNC (GPIO16), LPS22HB INT (GPIO3), click to view the schematic diagram for details.
2. The 40Pin of Pico-10DOF-IMU Rev2.1 is powered by the VSYS pin of Raspberry Pi Pico by default. If you want to turn off the 10DOS power supply, you can solder the 0R of R13 to R15 so that you can use the GPIO14 of Raspberry Pi Pico to turn on /off the 10DOF power supply. Please click to view the schematic diagram for details.
3. If you want to use the 3.3V of Pico as the power supply, you can solder the 0R of R13 to R12. Please click to view the schematic diagram for details.
4. If you want to remove the LED of Pico-10DOF-IMU Rev2.1 and the 0R on the R11, you can click to view the schematic diagram for details.

I2C Bus

  • The Pico-10DOF-IMU onboard MPU9250 uses the I2C bus for communication. The read and write timing diagram is shown in the figure below. For more details, please refer to datasheet.

Pico 10DOF IMU Spec001.jpg

  1. Raspberry Pi Pico, as the Master device, pulls down SDA successively, and the SCL pin initiates the START condition of the I2C bus, and then writes the device address (7bits) and write command (1bit) with a total of 8 bits of data. If the pin is connected correctly, 10ODF is used as the slave device. Send an ACK response.
  2. Raspberry Pi Pico continues to write the register address (RA) and register value (DATA) respectively and waits for the ACK response. After writing, the Raspberry Pi Pico pulls up SCL successively, and the SDA pin sends a STOP condition.
  3. If the Raspberry Pi Pico reads the DATA of the register (RA), when writing RA and waiting for the ACK response, it re-initiates the START condition, and then writes the device address (7bits) and the read command (1bit) for a total of 8bits and waits for the ACK response. 10DOF returns to DATA. After Pico receives DATA, keep SDA high.
  4. Please refer to the burst Read/Write Sequence in the figure above for the continuous write register value.

Outline Dimensions


Environment Building

  • We test the code with Arduino IDE and Thony, click to download the related IDE, and open them after installation.

1. Install Pico SDK on Arduino IDE, click Tools->Board->Boards Manager, then search "Raspberry Pi Pico", and find the corresponding libraries to install.
Pico 10dof imu spec40.jpg
2. Please refer to Micropython official document and set up python environment, select the Raspberry Pi Pico device in Thonny's Tools->Options->Interprete, as shown as below.

Demo Download

  1. Click to download sample demo.
  2. Unzip the sample demo, click .ino directly to open the Arduino sample demo, and upload the Micorpython sample demo to the Pico file system, as shown in the figure.


Demo Usage


1. Press and hold the BOOT button on the Pico and then connect the USB cable, open the .ino sample demo, click the menu bar, and select Tools -> Board -> Raspberry Pi Pico. As shown in the figure below.
2. Click Upload under Edit to download the code to Pico. After downloading, open the device manager to view the virtual COM number of Pico, and then select the corresponding COM number in Tools -> Ports.
3. Click to open Monitor Serial at the top right of the Arduino IDE, and follow the serial port prompts to initialize the Pico-10DOF-IMU. For details, please refer to the Pico-10DOF-IMU initialization chapter.


  • Please Install Thonny Python IDE (Windows V3.3.3)
  • Open the mpu9250.py, lps22hb.py scripts in the Pico file system, and click Run to run, where mpu9250.py will output relevant information to initialize the configuration of Pico-10DOF-IMU, as shown in the figure below, please refer to Pico-10DOF for the detailed process -IMU initialization chapter.



  • The magnetometer on the MPU9250 will be interfered with by the hard magnetic field. When the ellipsoid fitting is performed on the data read by the magnetometer, the sphere is off-center and not round. This will bring an initial magnetic field offset to the magnetometer, making the magnetometer Data eccentricity, as shown in the figure below:


  • After power-on, initialize according to the prompt information sent by the serial port. Calculate the eccentric offset value of the magnetometer, as shown in the following figure:


Demo Analysis

This section briefly analyzes the mpu9250.py sample program.

  • mpu9250 = MPU9250() instantiates the MPU9250 class. The instantiation process will include gyroscope initialization and geomagnetic calibration.
  • mpu9250.readAccel() , mpu9250.readGyro() , mpu9250.readMagnet() respectively read raw data such as accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetometer, etc.
  • mpu9250.imuAHRSupdate() is the mahony algorithm used to convert the values of the accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetometer into Euler angles (pitch, roll, yaw). Please click the link to view the detailed process of the mahony algorithm
  • Euler angles are shown in the figure below:


mpu9250 = MPU9250()

    while True:
        mpu9250.imuAHRSupdate(Gyro[0]/32.8*0.0175, Gyro[1]/32.8*0.0175,Gyro[2]/32.8*0.0175,
                Accel[0],Accel[1],Accel[2], Mag[0], Mag[0], Mag[2])
        pitch = math.asin(-2 * q1 * q3 + 2 * q0* q2)* 57.3
        roll  = math.atan2(2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1, -2 * q1 * q1 - 2 * q2* q2 + 1)* 57.3
        yaw   = math.atan2(-2 * q1 * q2 - 2 * q0 * q3, 2 * q2 * q2 + 2 * q3 * q3 - 1) * 57.3
        print("\r\n /-------------------------------------------------------------/ \r\n")
        print('\r\n Roll = %.2f , Pitch = %.2f , Yaw = %.2f\r\n'%(roll,pitch,yaw))
        print('\r\nAcceleration:  X = %d , Y = %d , Z = %d\r\n'%(Accel[0],Accel[1],Accel[2]))  
        print('\r\nGyroscope:     X = %d , Y = %d , Z = %d\r\n'%(Gyro[0],Gyro[1],Gyro[2]))
        print('\r\nMagnetic:      X = %d , Y = %d , Z = %d'%((Mag[0]),Mag[1],Mag[2]))

except KeyboardInterrupt:



Demo Codes

Development Software

Pico Quick Start

Download Firmware

  • MicroPython Firmware Download

MicroPython Firmware Download.gif

  • C_Blink Firmware Download

C Blink Download.gif

Video Tutorial

  • Pico Tutorial I - Basic Introduction

  • Pico Tutorial II - GPIO

  • Pico Tutorial III - PWM

  • Pico Tutorial IV - ADC

  • Pico Tutorial V - UART

  • Pico Tutorial VI - To be continued...

Text Tutorial


MicroPython Series

C/C++ Series

Arduino IDE Series

Install Arduino IDE

  1. Download the Arduino IDE installation package from Arduino website.
    RoArm-M1 Tutorial II01.jpg
  2. Just click on "JUST DOWNLOAD".
    Arduino IDE Pico.png
  3. Click to install after downloading.
    RoArm-M1 Tutorial II02.gif
  4. Note: You will be prompted to install the driver during the installation process, we can click Install.

Install Arduino-Pico Core on Arduino IDE

  1. Open Arduino IDE, click the File on the left corner and choose "Preferences".
    RoArm-M1 Tutorial04.jpg
  2. Add the following link in "Additional boards manager URLs", then click OK.

    RoArm-M1 Tutorial II05.jpg
    Note: If you already have the ESP32 board URL, you can separate the URLs with commas like this:

  3. Click on Tools -> Board -> Board Manager -> Search for pico, it shows installed since my computer has already installed it.
    Pico Get Start 05.png
    Pico Get Start 06.png

Upload Demo At the First Time

  1. Press and hold the BOOTSET button on the Pico board, connect the Pico to the USB port of the computer via the Micro USB cable, and release the button when the computer recognizes a removable hard drive (RPI-RP2).
    Pico Get Start.gif
  2. Download the demo from #Resource, open the D1-LED.ino under arduino\PWM\D1-LED path.
  3. Click Tools -> Port, remember the existing COM, do not need to click this COM (different computers show different COM, remember the existing COM on your computer).
    UGV1 doenload02EN.png
  4. Connect the driver board to the computer with a USB cable, then click Tools -> Ports, select uf2 Board for the first connection, and after the upload is complete, connecting again will result in an additional COM port.
    UGV1 doenload03EN.png
  5. Click Tools -> Board -> Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 -> Raspberry Pi Pico.
    Pico Get Start02.png
  6. After setting, click the right arrow to upload.
    Pico Get Start03.png
    • If you encounter problems during the period, you need to reinstall or replace the Arduino IDE version, uninstall the Arduino IDE clean, after uninstalling the software you need to manually delete all the contents of the folder C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Arduino15 (you need to show the hidden files in order to see it) and then reinstall.

Open Source Demo


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