RPi Zero Relay

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RPi Zero Relay
RPi Zero Relay

Industrial 6-ch Relay Module for Raspberry Pi Zero






Industrial 6-Channel Relay Module For Raspberry Pi Zero, RS485/CAN Bus, Power Supply Isolation, Photocoupler Isolation.


  • RS485 half-duplex communication: using SP3485, UART control, auto RX/TX switch.
  • CAN half-duplex communication: using MCP2515 + SN65HVD230 solution, SPI control.
  • Onboard unibody power supply isolation, provides stable isolated voltage, and needs no extra power supply for the isolated terminal.
  • Onboard photocoupler isolation, prevents interference from external high-voltage circuit connected to the relay.
  • Onboard TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor), effectively suppresses surge voltage and transient spike voltage in the circuit, lightningproof & anti-electrostatic.
  • Onboard resettable fuses and protection diodes, ensuring current/voltage stable output, preventing over current/voltage, and better shock-resistance performance.
  • High-quality relay, contact rating: ≤10A 250V AC or ≤10A 30V DC.
  • ABS protection enclosure with rail-mount support, easy to install, safe to use.


  • Supply voltage: 7V~36V
  • CAN control chip: MCP2515
  • CAN transceiver: SN65HVD230
  • 485 transceiver: SP3485
  • Product size: 123mm x 87.92mm
  • Fixed hole diameter: 3.5mm


  • CAN bus
PIN Raspberry Pi (BCM) Description
GND GND Ground
SCK SCK SPI clock input
MOSI MOSI SPI data input
MISO MISP SPI Data output
CS CE0 Data/Command Selection
INT 25 Interrupt output
  • RS485 bus
PIN Raspberry Pi (BCM) Description
GND GND Ground
RXD RXD UART receive
TXD TXD UART transimit
  • Relay interfaces
PIN Raspberry Pi (BCM) Description
GND GND Ground
IN_CH1 GPIO5 Relay Channel 1
IN_CH2 GPIO6 Relay Channel 2
IN_CH3 GPIO13 Relay Channel 3
IN_CH4 GPIO16 Relay Channel 4
IN_CH5 GPIO19 Relay Channel 5
IN_CH6 GPIO20 Relay Channel 6

Install Library

If you use bookworm system, only the lgpio library is available, bcm2835 and wiringPi libarary cannot be installed or used. Please note that the python library does not need to install, you can directly run the demo.


#Open the Raspberry Pi terminal and run the following command
wget http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.71.tar.gz
tar zxvf bcm2835-1.71.tar.gz 
cd bcm2835-1.71/
sudo ./configure && sudo make && sudo make check && sudo make install
# For more, you can refer to the official website at: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/


#Open the Raspberry Pi terminal and run the following command
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
#For Raspberry Pi systems after May 2019 (earlier than that can be executed without), an upgrade may be required:
wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
gpio -v
# Run gpio -v and version 2.52 will appear, if it doesn't it means there was an installation error

# Bullseye branch system using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi
cd WiringPi
. /build
gpio -v
# Run gpio -v and version 2.70 will appear, if it doesn't it means there was an installation error


wget https://github.com/joan2937/lg/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd lg-master
sudo make install 
#for more details, you can refer to https://github.com/gpiozero/lg
  • Python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-serial
sudo pip install python-can

Download Examples

Open a terminal and run the following commands to download the demo codes:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
wget https://files.waveshare.com/upload/2/2f/RPi_Zero_Relay_Code.7z
7z x RPi_Zero_Relay_Code.7z  -r -o./RPi_Zero_Relay_Code
sudo chmod 777 -R RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/


The sample demo uses two RPi-Zero-Relay modules. Python and C language demos are provided.


  • Modify the config.txt file:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add the following lines to the config.txt file and save:
  • Reboot.
sudo reboot
  • Check if the driver is initialized normally.
dmesg | grep -i '\(can\|spi\)'
The result should be like the picture:
RS485 CAN HAT CAN1.png
If the MCP2515 driver is not initialized normally you need to reboot and check if the devices are connected properly (H to H and L to L).
RS485 CAN HAT CAN2.png

C Examples

  • Run the receive example:
cd ~/RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/CAN/wiringPi/receive/
make clean
sudo ./can_receive
After running the received code, the terminal is waiting for data.
RPi Zero Relay CAN 2.jpg
  • Run the Send examples:
cd RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/CAN/wiringPi/send/
make clean
sudo ./can_send
RPi Zero Relay CAN 1.jpg
Type data to send.
RPi Zero Relay CAN 3.jpg
In the receiving terminal, you will get the packet related to the id.
RPi Zero Relay CAN 4.jpg

Python examples

  • Open a terminal and run the commands:
cd RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/CAN/python/
#For receiving:
sudo python can_reveive.py
#For sending:
sudo python can_send.py

Connect to other CAN device

If you need to connect the RPi Zero Relay to other CAN devices, please note that:

  • Please check the connection, it should be H to H and L to L.
  • Make sure that the baud rate of both sides is the same, the default baud rate of examples is 100K.
  • Check if the CAN ID of both sides is the same.
  • If data is always lost while transmitting, please decrease the baud rate and test it again.
RPi Zero Relay CAN 9.jpgRPi Zero Relay CAN 10.jpg

RS485 Interface

The sample demo uses two RPi-Zero-Relay modules. Python and C language demos are provided.


  • Open a terminal and run the command.
sudo raspi-config
Choose Interfacing Options -> Serial -> No -> Yes.
L76X GPS Module rpi serial.png
Disable the login shell function and enable the hardware serial port.
  • Reboot
sudo reboot
  • Connect the device, A to A and B to B.

C examples

  • Run the receive example:
cd RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/485/WiringPi/send
make clean
sudo ./485_receive
After running the received code, the terminal is waiting for data.
RPi Zero Relay 485 2.jpg
  • Run the Send example:
cd RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/485/WiringPi/send
make clean
sudo ./485_send
RPi Zero Relay 485 1.jpg
  • Input data and send:
RPi Zero Relay 485 3.jpg
  • The receiving terminal receives and prints:
RPi Zero Relay 485 4.jpg

Python examples

Open a terminal and run the commands:

cd RPi_Zero_Relay_Code/485/python/
#Receive example:
sudo python receive.py
#Send example:
sudo python send.py


If the RS485 cannot work normally, please check:

  • Please check if you have disabled the login shell function.
  • Please check the connection, it should be A to A and B to B.
  • Please test with USB to RS485, and make sure that all the settings are correct.



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