Template: Setup Network for RNDIS

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RNDIS method
  • Connect the USB interface of A7670X modules to Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano by micro USB cable. Check if the ttyUSB1 port is recognized normally.
sudo ls /dev/ttyUSB*
  • Configure the module by minicom.
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1
  • Run the following commands and the A7670x module will reboot.
A7600 RNDIS (1).png
  • Check if a new USBx port is recognized by ifconfig command. (It is USB0 for Pi and USB1 for Jetson Nano).
A7600 RNDIS (2).png
  • Applay the IP address of the USBx port.
sudo dhclient -v usb0
  • Test the USBx port and try to ping a website, for example, google.com.
sudo ping -I usb0 www.google.com

A7600 RNDIS (3).png

  • If the network is not available, please configure DNS for a try.
sudo route add -net usb0
  • If you want to restore the network mode, please send the following AT command by minicom: