Template: SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) Guides for Pi

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Dial-up Networking with Raspbian

  • When using Raspberry Pi Zero/Zero W, you can connect it to the 4G HAT through the thimble, no additional USB cable is required;
  • if it is used on other Raspberry Pi boards, you can connect the 4G HAT to the Raspberry Pi through a Micro USB cable. The connection is as follows:

Minicom Serial Debugging

  • 1. Connect the HAT to your Pi through the USB cable.
  • 2. Install minicom:
sudo apt-get install minicom
  • 3. Execute the following command:
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2

The default baud rate is 115200.

  • 4. Take the AT synchronization test as an example, and send related commands, as shown in the picture below:

Press Ctrl+A, then press Z, the minicom can enter the setting mode, and press X to exit.

Sample Demo

1. Inset the module and connect to the Raspberry Pi.
2. Download the sample demo to /home/pi/:
wget https://files.waveshare.com/upload/4/4e/SIM7600G-H-4G-HAT-B-Demo.zip
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7z x SIM7600G-H-4G-HAT-B-Demo.zip 
sudo chmod 777 -R SIM7600G-H-4G-HAT-B-Demo
3. Respectively enter the corresponding directory, compile and run the demo. The related instructions are shown below (Take the PhoneCall.py demo as an example):
cd SIM7600G-H-4G-HAT-B-Demo/Raspberry/python/PhoneCall/      
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
sudo python3 Phonecall.py    

AT Command Demo

SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT.png


SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT02.png

SMS Demo

SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT03.png

GPS Demo

SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT04.png

TCP Demo

SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT05.png

FTP Demo

SIM7600G-H 4G HAT (B) AT06.png