Gamepad Remote Control Tutorial
Install Gamepad Driver
sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk
Insert the gamepad signal transmitter into the USB connector of the Raspberry Pi, turn on the gamepad, and check whether the gamepad is connected.
ls /dev/input/
If the output is "js0", it means the gamepad is connected.
Change interface group and permissions:
sudo chgrp dialout /dev/input/js0
Check whether the modification is correct:
ls -l /dev/input/js0
The final permission and result are shown below:
Use the "jstest" command to check whether the gamepad is working, and test the corresponding numbers of each key on the wireless gamepad.
sudo jstest /dev/input/js0
Press each key on the gamepad and observe whether the output has changed.
Develop Gamepad Remote Control Function Pack
First, install the ros 2 remote control function pack of the Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-joy
Enter the workspace and create the function pack:
cd ~/ugv02/src ros2 pkg create ugv02_teleop
Create the configuration directory and launch directory:
cd /ugv02_teleop mkdir config launch
And then create "ugv02_ps3.config.yaml" file in the "/ugv02/src/ugv02_teleop/config" to configure the remote control commands:
teleop_twist_joy_node: ros__parameters: axis_linear: # The value of remote sensing index 1 represents the control for linear. You can observe the axes numbers by using the command "rostopic echo joy" x: 1 y: 0 scale_linear: # Low-speed motion linear maximum x: 0.25 y: 0.25 scale_linear_turbo: # The maximum value for high-speed linear motion x: 0.6 axis_angular: # Remote sensing index 0's indicate angular direction yaw: 3 scale_angular: # Maximum low-speed motion angular value yaw: 1.0 scale_angular_turbo: # Maximum high-speed motion angular value yaw: 1.2 enable_button: 0 # Low speed, prevent accidental joystick touches, the left joystick control will only be triggered when the A button is pressed enable_turbo_button: -1 # High speed, prevent accidental joystick touches, the left joystick control will only be triggered when the B button is pressed
Next, you can create a "" file in the "/ugv02/src/ugv02_teleop/launch", and compile the code for turning on the control nodes for the gamepad control
import os from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory import launch import launch_ros.actions def generate_launch_description(): joy_config = launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('joy_config') joy_dev = launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('joy_dev') config_filepath = launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('config_filepath') return launch.LaunchDescription([ launch.actions.DeclareLaunchArgument('joy_vel', default_value='cmd_vel'), launch.actions.DeclareLaunchArgument('joy_config', default_value='ugv02_ps3'), # Gamepad configuration file name launch.actions.DeclareLaunchArgument('joy_dev', default_value='/dev/input/js0'), # The connected serial port of the gamepad launch.actions.DeclareLaunchArgument('config_filepath', default_value=[ launch.substitutions.TextSubstitution(text=os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('ugv02_teleop'), 'config', '')), joy_config, launch.substitutions.TextSubstitution(text='.config.yaml')]), launch_ros.actions.Node( package='joy', executable='joy_node', name='joy_node', parameters=[{ 'dev': joy_dev, 'deadzone': 0.3, 'autorepeat_rate': 20.0, }]), launch_ros.actions.Node( package='teleop_twist_joy', executable='teleop_node', name='teleop_twist_joy_node', parameters=[config_filepath], remappings={('/cmd_vel', launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('joy_vel'))}, ), ])
Add in the "CMakeLists.txt":
install( DIRECTORY config launch DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME} )
Note: only when the A button is pressed can the left joystick be triggered. Usage: turn on the chassis first, and then open the terminal.
sudo chgrp dialout /dev/input/js0 ros2 launch ugv02_teleop