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ESP32-S3 Touch AMOLED 1.8

368×448, UART/USB/GPIO







ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 is a high-performance MCU board designed by Waveshare. Despite its compact size, it integrates a 1.8inch capacitive touch AMOLED, power management chip, 6-axis IMU sensor (3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope), RTC, TF slot, microphone, speaker and various other peripherals on board for easy development and embedding into the product.


  • Equipped with high-performance Xtensa® 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, up to 240 MHz main frequency
  • Supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) and Bluetooth® 5 (BLE), with onboard antenna
  • Built in 512KB SRAM and 384KB ROM, with onboard 8MB PSRAM and an external 16MB Flash
  • Built-in 1.8inch capacitive touch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 368×448, 16.7M colors for clear color pictures

Hardware Description

  • Built-in 1.8inch high-definition capacitive touch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 368×448, 16.7M colors for clear color pictures
  • Embedded with SH8601 driver chip and FT3168 capacitive touch chip, communicating through QSPI and I2C interfaces respectively, minimizes required IO pins
  • Onboard QMI8658 6-axis IMU (3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope) for detecting motion gesture, step counting, etc.
  • Onboard PCF85063 RTC chip connected to the battery via the AXP2101 for uninterrupted power supply, and a backup battery pad is reserved to ensure that the RTC function continues to work during main battery replacement
  • Onboard PWR and BOOT two side buttons with customizable functions, allowing for custom function development
  • Onboard 3.7V MX1.25 lithium battery recharge/discharge header
  • Leads to 7 x GPIOs, 1 x I2C, 1 x UART, and 1 x USB pad, which can be used for external devices and debugging, and flexibly configure peripheral functions
  • Onboard TF card slot for extended storage and fast data transfer, flexible for data recording and media playback, simplifying circuit design
  • The benefits of using AXP2101 include efficient power management, support for multiple output voltages, charging and battery management functions, and optimization for battery life
  • The AMOLED screen has the advantages of higher contrast, wider viewing angles, richer colors, faster response, thinner design, lower power consumption, and flexibility


1. ESP32-S3R8
   WiFi and Bluetooth SoC, up to 240MHz operating frequency, with onboard 8MB PSRAM

2. QMI8658
   6-axis IMU

3. PCF85063
    RTC clock chip

4. AXP2101
   Highly integrated power management chip

5. ES8311
   Low power audio codec chip

6. Speaker

7. Backup battery pad
   Maintains RTC power supply during main battery replacement

8. MX1.25 Lithium battery interface
   MX1.25 2P connector, for 3.7V Lithium battery, supports charging and discharging

9. 16MB NOR-Flash

10. Microphone
   Audio capturing

11. Onboard SMD antenna
   Supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) and Bluetooth® 5 (LE)

12. 1mm GPIO pad
   Leads out available IO function pins for easy expansion

13. BOOT button
   Audio peripheral

14. Type-C interface
   ESP32-S3 USB Interface for program flashing and log printing

15. PWR power button
   Controllable power on/off and customizable functions

Pinout Definition




Screen Description

Touch and its Controller

  • This touch screen is composed of surface toughened glass + thin film material, which has high strength, high hardness, and good light transmittance. It is equipped with FT3168 self-capacitance touch chip as the driver chip, which supports the I2C communication protocol standard and can realize a 10Khz~400Khz configurable communication rate.

Effect Demonstration


Usage Instructions

ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 currently provides two development tools and frameworks, Arduino IDE and ESP-IDF, providing flexible development options, you can choose the right development tool according to your project needs and personal habits.

Development Tools


Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is an open source electronic prototyping platform, convenient and flexible, easy to get started. After a simple learning, you can start to develop quickly. At the same time, Arduino has a large global user community, providing an abundance of open source code, project examples and tutorials, as well as rich library resources, encapsulating complex functions, allowing developers to quickly implement various functions.



ESP-IDF, or full name Espressif IDE, is a professional development framework introduced by Espressif Technology for the ESP series chips. It is developed using the C language, including a compiler, debugger, and flashing tool, etc., and can be developed via the command lines or through an integrated development environment (such as Visual Studio Code with the Espressif IDF plugin). The plugin offers features such as code navigation, project management, and debugging, etc..

Each of these two development approaches has its own advantages, and developers can choose according to their needs and skill levels. Arduino are suitable for beginners and non-professionals because they are easy to learn and quick to get started. ESP-IDF is a better choice for developers with a professional background or high performance requirements, as it provides more advanced development tools and greater control capabilities for the development of complex projects.

Components Preparation

  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 x1
  • TF card x 1
  • USB cable (Type-A to Type-C) x 1


Before operating, it is recommended to browse the table of contents to quickly understand the document structure. For smooth operation, please read the FAQ carefully to understand possible problems in advance. All resources in the document are provided with hyperlinks for easy download.

Working with Arduino

This chapter introduces setting up the Arduino environment, including the Arduino IDE, management of ESP32 boards, installation of related libraries, program compilation and downloading, as well as testing demos. It aims to help users master the development board and facilitate secondary development. Arduino-flow-04.png

Environment Setup

Download and Install Arduino IDE

  • Click to visit the Arduino official website, select the corresponding system and system bit to download
  • Run the installer and install all by default
The environment setup is carried out on the Windows 10 system, Linux and Mac users can access Arduino-esp32 environment setup for reference

Install ESP32 development board

  • Before using ESP32-related motherboards with the Arduino IDE, you must first install the software package for the esp32 by Espressif Systems development board
  • According to Board installation requirement, it is generally recommended to use Install Online. If online installation fails, use Install Offline.
  • For the installation tutorial, please refer to Arduino board manager tutorial
  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 required development board installation description
Board name Board installation requirement Version number requirement
esp32 by Espressif Systems "Install Offline" / "Install Online" ≥3.0.6

Install Library

  • When installing Arduino libraries, there are usually two ways to choose from: Install online and Install offline. If the library installation requires offline installation, you must use the provided library file
    For most libraries, users can easily search and install them through the online library manager of the Arduino software. However, some open-source libraries or custom libraries are not synchronized to the Arduino Library Manager, so they cannot be acquired through online searches. In this case, users can only manually install these libraries offline.
  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 library file is stored in the sample program, click here to jump:ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 Demo
  • For library installation tutorial, please refer to Arduino library manager tutorial
ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 Library file instructions
Library Name Description Version Library Installation Requirement
Arduino_DriveBus CST816 Touch chip driver library —— "Install Offline"
GFX_Library_for_Arduino GFX graphical library for SH8601 v1.4.9 "Install Offline"
ESP32_IO_Expander TCA9554 expansion chip driver library v0.0.3 "Install Online" or "Install Offline"
lvgl LVGL graphical library v8.4.0 "Install Online" requires copying the demos folder to src after installation. "Install Offline" is recommended
SensorLib PCF85063, QMI8658 sensor driver library v0.2.1 "Install Online" or "Install Offline"
XPowersLib XP2101 power management chip driver library v0.2.6 "Install Online" or "Install Offline"
ui_a Custom ui library —— "Install Offline"
ui_b Custom ui library —— "Install Offline"
ui_c Custom ui library —— "Install Offline"
Mylibrary Development board pin macro definition —— "Install Offline"
lv_conf.h LVGL configuration file —— "Install Offline"

Run the First Arduino Demo

If you are just getting started with ESP32 and Arduino, and you don't know how to create, compile, flash, and run Arduino ESP32 programs, then please expand and take a look. Hope it can help you!

New Project

  • Run the Arduino IDE and select File -> New Sketch
  • Enter the code:
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.println("Hello, World!");
  • Save the project and select File -> Save As.... In the pop-up menu, select the path to save the project, and enter a project name, such as Hello_World, click Save


Compile and Flash Demos

  • Select the corresponding development board, take the ESP32S3 motherboard as an example:

①. Click to select the dropdown menu option Select Other Board and Port;
②. Search for the required development board model esp32s3 dev module and select;
③. Select COM Port;
④. Save the selection.

  • Some development boards with specified version numbers support direct model selection, for example, "Waveshare ESP32-S3-LCD-1.69":


  • If the ESP32S3 mainboard only has a USB port, you need to enable USB CDC, as shown in the following diagram:


  • Compile and upload the program:

①. Compile the program; ②. Compile and download the program; ③. Download successful.

  • Open the Serial Monitor window, and the demo will print "Hello World!" every 2 seconds, and the operation is as follows:




  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 Demo
Demo Basic Description Dependency Library
01_HelloWorld Demonstrates the basic graphics library functions and can also be used to test the basic performance of display screens and the display effect of random text GFX_Library_for_Arduino
02_Drawing_board Demonstrates the basic graphics library functions and can also be used to test the basic performance of display screens and the display effect of random text GFX_Library_for_Arduino, Arduino_DriveBus, ESP32_IO_Expander
03_GFX_AsciiTable Prints ASCII characters in rows and columns on the display screen according to the screen size GFX_Library_for_Arduino
04_GFX_FT3168_Image Displays the image effect, change the displayed image through touch GFX_Library_for_Arduino, Arduino_DriveBus, ESP32_IO_Expander
05_GFX_PCF85063_simpleTime GFX library displays the current time SensorLib, GFX_Library_for_Arduino
06_GFX_ESPWiFiAnalyzer Draws the WiFi band signal strength on the screen GFX_Library_for_Arduino
07_GFX_Clock Implement clock through basic pointer marking and time management GFX_Library_for_Arduino
08_LVGL_Animation Custom UI, controls backlight brightness LVGL, Arduino_DriveBus, ui_a
09_LVGL_change_background Custom UI, controls background color LVGL, Arduino_DriveBus, ui_b
10_LVGL_PCF85063_simpleTime LVGL library displays the current time LVGL, SensorLib
11_LVGL_QMI8658_ui LVGL draws acceleration line chart LVGL, SensorLib
12_LVGL_AXP2101_ADC_Data LVGL displays PMIC data LVGL, XPowersLib
13_LVGL_Widgets LVGL demonstration LVGL, Arduino_DriveBus, ESP32_IO_Expander
14_LVGL_SD_Test LVGL displays the contents of TF card files LVGL
15_ES8311 ES8311 driver demo, playing simple audio ——
16_LVGL_Sqprj squareline UI combined with LVGL demo LVGL
  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 supports direct model selection



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates how to control the SH8601 display using the Arduino GFX library, demonstrating basic graphics library functionality with dynamically changing text. This code can also be used to test the basic performance of the display and the effect of displaying random text

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Initialize the display:
if (!gfx->begin()) {
  USBSerial.println("gfx->begin() failed!");
  • Clear the screen and display text:
gfx->setCursor(10, 10);
gfx->println("Hello World!");
  • GIF display:
gfx->setCursor(random(gfx->width()), random(gfx->height()));
gfx->setTextColor(random(0xffff), random(0xffff));
gfx->setTextSize(random(6), random(6), random(2));
gfx->println("Hello World!");

Result demonstration

200px-ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 241015 23.png


Demo description

  • This example demonstrates how to use the ESP32 to control the FT3168 touch controller and TCA9554 GPIO expander via the I2C interface, while using the Arduino GFX and Arduino_DriveBus library to drive the SH8601 display

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Screen initialization and brightness gradient animation:
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
  gfx->setCursor(30, 150);
  gfx->println("Loading board");
  • Touch interrupt handling and coordinate reading
void Arduino_IIC_Touch_Interrupt(void) {
  FT3168->IIC_Interrupt_Flag = true;

int32_t touchX = FT3168->IIC_Read_Device_Value(FT3168->Arduino_IIC_Touch::Value_Information::TOUCH_COORDINATE_X);
int32_t touchY = FT3168->IIC_Read_Device_Value(FT3168->Arduino_IIC_Touch::Value_Information::TOUCH_COORDINATE_Y); 

if (FT3168->IIC_Interrupt_Flag == true) {
  FT3168->IIC_Interrupt_Flag = false;
  USBSerial.printf("Touch X:%d Y:%d\n", touchX, touchY);
  if (touchX > 20 && touchY > 20) {
    gfx->fillCircle(touchX, touchY, 5, BLUE);

Result demonstration

200px-ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 241015 21.png


Demo description

  • This demo shows how to display a basic ASCII character table on the SH8601 display by using the Arduino GFX library on an ESP32. The core function of the code is to initialize the display and print ASCII characters by rows and columns on the display according to the screen size

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Create data bus and graphic display objects
    • Here a data bus object for communicating with the display is created, which is initialized with a specific pin configuration. Then a graphical display object gfx is created, passing in parameters such as data bus, reset pin, rotation angle, whether it is an IPS screen, and the width and height of the display
Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP32QSPI(
  LCD_CS /* CS */, LCD_SCLK /* SCK */, LCD_SDIO0 /* SDIO0 */, LCD_SDIO1 /* SDIO1 */,
  LCD_SDIO2 /* SDIO2 */, LCD_SDIO3 /* SDIO3 */);

Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_SH8601(bus, -1 /* RST */,
                                      0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT);
  • Draw row and column numbers and character table
    • First set the text color to green and print the line numbers one by one on the display. Then set the text color to blue and print the column number. Next, use a loop to draw each character individually to form the character table, with each character using white foreground and black background
for (int x = 0; x < numRows; x++) {
  gfx->setCursor(10 + x * 8, 2);
  gfx->print(x, 16);
for (int y = 0; y < numCols; y++) {
  gfx->setCursor(2, 12 + y * 10);
  gfx->print(y, 16);

char c = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < numRows; y++) {
  for (int x = 0; x < numCols; x++) {
    gfx->drawChar(10 + x * 8, 12 + y * 10, c++, WHITE, BLACK);

Result demonstration

200px-ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 241015 22.png


Demo description

  • This demo implements a touch screen display interface using the SH8601 display driven by QSPI on ESP32-S3. It integrates an I2C touch controller (FT3168) for detecting touch input, as well as an I2C GPIO expander (TCA9554) for managing additional output pins. This code sets the display screen, touch controller, and expander, and cycles through multiple images when touching the screen

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • The image shows:
if (fingers_number > 0) {
  switch (Image_Flag) {
    case 0: gfx->draw16bitRGBBitmap(0, 0, (uint16_t *)gImage_1, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); break;
    case 1: gfx->draw16bitRGBBitmap(0, 0, (uint16_t *)gImage_2, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); break;
    case 2: gfx->draw16bitRGBBitmap(0, 0, (uint16_t *)gImage_3, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); break;
    case 3: gfx->draw16bitRGBBitmap(0, 0, (uint16_t *)gImage_4, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); break;
    case 4: gfx->draw16bitRGBBitmap(0, 0, (uint16_t *)gImage_5, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT); break;
  if (Image_Flag > 4) {
    Image_Flag = 0;

Code modification

  • The image content resources are large and need to be set Tools ->Partition Scheme -> 16M Flash (3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS)

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates how to use the PCF85063 RTC module to display the current time on a SH8601 display, retrieving the time every second and updating the display only when the time changes

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup: Initialize the program
    • Serial port initialization to provide a channel for outputting error messages
    • Initialize the real-time clock chip, including connection check and setting the initial time, to ensure the accuracy of the time
    • Initialize the graphic display device, set the background color and brightness, and provide a visual interface for the time display
  • loop: Continuously check for time changes and update the time display on the display while the program is running
    • Regularly check whether the time has changed, and determine whether the time display needs to be updated by comparing the difference between the current time and the last update time
    • Obtain the time information of the real-time clock and format it so that it is displayed correctly on the display
    • If the time changes, clear the last time display area, set the text color and size, calculate the center position, and display the new time on the display. Finally save the current time as the last time for comparison next time

Result demonstration

200px-ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 241015 20.png


Demo description

  • This demo an example of drawing Wi-Fi band signal strength on the SH8601 display, implementing the function of a Wi-Fi analyzer

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup: Prepare for the initialization of the entire program
    • Initializes serial port communication and sets the baud rate to 115200 for outputting information and debugging
    • Set WiFi to site mode and disconnect in preparation for subsequent network scans
    • Perform some additional pre-initialization operations based on different hardware conditions (if GFX_EXTRA_PRE_INIT is defined)
    • Initialize the graphic display device, calculate some display-related parameters, such as text size, banner height, etc., and set the display brightness. Finally draw the initial banner information
  • loop: The main program logic of Lines, including performing WiFi network scans, processing scan results, drawing charts, displaying statistics, and performing energy-saving operations as needed
    • WiFi scanning and processing: Perform WiFi network scanning, obtain the number of networks and various network information; Count the number of access points for each channel, calculate the noise level and determine the signal peak; Plot WiFi signal strength charts based on the scan results, including drawing ellipses to represent signal strength and display relevant network information
    • Display statistical information: Print the number of networks found and channel information with less noise on the display screen, draw the baseline and channel markers for the chart, and show the number of access points for each channel
    • Energy-saving operation: Depending on the configured number of scans, perform energy-saving operations when conditions are met, such as turning off the display power pin and entering deep sleep mode

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates a simple SH8601 clock example, which implements a clock example with a simple marker pointer and time management

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Draw hour, minute and second hands:
void redraw_hands_cached_draw_and_erase() {
    draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nsx, nsy, SECOND_COLOR, cached_points, sHandLen + 1, false, false);
    draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nhx, nhy, HOUR_COLOR, cached_points + ((sHandLen + 1) * 2), hHandLen + 1, true, false);
    draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nmx, nmy, MINUTE_COLOR, cached_points + ((sHandLen + 1 + hHandLen + 1) * 2), mHandLen + 1, true, true);

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates a simple LVGL slider example, where the screen backlight brightness can be changed by altering the slider value

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Modify the backlight brightness in real time
int32_t slider_value = lv_slider_get_value(ui_Slider1);
int32_t brightness = map(slider_value, 0, 100, 5, 255);

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates an LVGL backlight brightness change scenario, achieving changes in background color through the definition of simple button components

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup(): Responsible for initializing the entire system
    • First initialize the serial port for possible debugging output
    • Then initialize the I2C bus and the expansion chip, set the pin mode and initial state of the expansion chip
    • Next keep trying to initialize the touch controller, and set its power mode when it succeeds
    • Initialize the graphics display device and set the brightness, and also print the versions of LVGL and Arduino
    • Initialize LVGL, including registering the debugging print callback function, initializing the display driver, and input device driver
    • Create and start the LVGL timer, initialize the user interface, and print the setup complete message
  • loop
    • Keep calling lv_timer_handler() in the main loop to let the LVGL graphics library handle various tasks
    • Add a small delay to avoid overoccupying CPU resources
  • my_touchpad_read: Read the touchpad coordinates, set the input device status of LVGL according to the touch state, and update the touch coordinates

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates how to use the PCF85063 RTC module under LVGL to display the current time on a SH8601 display screen, retrieving the time every second and only updating the display when the time changes, which is better than time refresh

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup: Responsible for initializing various hardware devices and LVGL graphics library environment
    • Serial port initialization: USBSerial.begin(115200) prepares for serial port debugging
    • Real-time clock initialization: Try to initialize the real-time clock rtc, enter a loop if it fails. Set the date and time
    • Touch controller initialization: Keep trying to initialize the touch controller FT3168, if initialization fails, print an error message and wait with a delay, and print a success message if successful
    • Graphical display initialization: Initialize the graphical display device gfx, set the brightness, and print the version information of LVGL and Arduino. Next, initialize the LVGL, including registering the print callback function for debugging, initializing the display driver and the input device driver. Create and start the LVGL timer, finally create a label and set the initial text to "Initializing..."
  • loop
    • lv_timer_handler(): This is an important function in the LVGL graphics library, which is used to handle various timer events, animation updates, input processing and other tasks of the graphical interface. Calling this function in each loop ensures smooth operation of the graphical interface and timely response to interactions
    • Time update and display: Get the time of the real-time clock every second and print it out through the serial port. Then format the time as a string and update the text of the label to display the current time. At the same time, set the font of the label to a specific font. Finally add a small delay

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates the use of LVGL for graphical display, communicating with the QMI8658 IMU to obtain accelerometer and gyroscope data

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup: Responsible for initializing various hardware devices and LVGL graphics library environment
    • Serial port initialization: USBSerial.begin(115200) prepares for serial port debugging
    • Touch controller initialization: Keep trying to initialize the touch controller FT3168, if initialization fails, print an error message and wait with a delay, and print a success message if successful
    • Graphical display initialization: Initialize the graphical display device gfx, set the brightness, and print the version information of LVGL and Arduino. Next, initialize the LVGL, including registering the print callback function for debugging, initializing the display driver and the input device driver. Create and start the LVGL timer, finally create a label and set the initial text to "Initializing..."
    • Create a chart: Create a chart object chart, set the chart type, range, number of data points and other properties of the chart, and add data series for the three axes of acceleration
    • Acceleration sensor initialization: Initialize acceleration sensor qmi, configure accelerometer and gyroscope parameters, enable them, and print chip ID and control register information
  • loop
    • lv_timer_handler(): This is an important function in the LVGL graphics library, which is used to handle various timer events, animation updates, input processing and other tasks of the graphical interface. Calling this function in each loop ensures smooth operation of the graphical interface and timely response to interactions
    • Read acceleration sensor data: If the acceleration sensor data is ready, read the acceleration data and print it via the serial port, while updating the chart to display the acceleration data. If the gyroscope data is ready, read the gyroscope data and print it via the serial port. Finally add a small delay and increase the frequency of data polling

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates power management using the XPowers library under LVGL, and provides PWR custom button control for screen on and off actions

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • Screen on/off implementation function
void toggleBacklight() {
  if (backlight_on) {
    for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) {
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
  backlight_on = !backlight_on;

Result demonstration

  • Display parameters: chip temperature, charging state, discharging state, standby state, Vbus connected, Vbus condition, charger status, battery voltage, Vbus voltage, system voltage, battery percentage



Demo description

    • This demo demonstrates the LVGL Widgets example, the frame rate can reach 50~60 frames in the dynamic state, By optimizing the SH8601 display library to achieve a better and smoother frame rate, which can actually be compared to the scenario with double cache and double acceleration enabled in ESP-IDF environment

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup: Responsible for initializing various hardware devices and LVGL graphics library environment
    • Serial port initialization: USBSerial.begin(115200) prepares for serial port debugging
    • I2C bus Initialization: Wire.begin(IIC_SDA, IIC_SCL); initializes I2C bus for communication with other I2C devices
    • Expansion chip initialization: Create and initialize the expansion chip expander, set the pin mode as the output, and make some initial pin state settings
    • Touch controller initialization: Keep trying to initialize the touch controller FT3168, if initialization fails, print an error message and wait with a delay, and print a success message if successful
    • Graphical display initialization: Initialize the graphical display device gfx, set the brightness, and get the width and height of the screen. Then initialize the LVGL, including registering the print callback function for debugging, setting the touch controller's power mode to monitor mode, initializing the display driver and the input device driver. Create and start the LVGL timer, create a label and set the text, and finally call lv_demo_widgets() to display the LVGL sample widget
  • loop
    • lv_timer_handler(): This is an important function in the LVGL graphics library, which is used to handle various timer events, animation updates, input processing and other tasks of the graphical interface. Calling this function in each loop ensures smooth operation of the graphical interface and timely response to interactions
    • delay(5);: Add a small delay to avoid overoccupying CPU resources

Result demonstration



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates using SDMMC to drive a TF card and output its contents to the display

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer
  • Insert the TF card into the board

Code analysis

  • setup: Responsible for initializing various hardware devices and LVGL graphics library environment
    • Serial port initialization: USBSerial.begin(115200) prepares for serial port debugging
    • I2C bus and expansion chip initialization: Initialize the I2C bus, create and initialize the expansion chip, set its pin mode to output, and print the initial and new states
    • Graphics display initialization: Initialize graphics display device, set brightness, initialize LVGL, set display driver and input device driver, create and start LVGL timer
    • TF card Initialization and information display: Set the pins of the TF card and attempt to mount the TF card. If the mount fails, an error message is displayed on the serial port and the screen. If the mount is successful, detect the TF card type and display it, get the TF card size and display it. Then call the listDir function to list the contents of the TF card root directory, and display the TF card type, size, and directory list information in the label on the screen
  • listDir: Recursively lists the files and subdirectories in the specified directory
    • First print the name of the directory being listed. Then open the specified directory, and if the opening fails, an error message will be returned. If it is not a directory that is opened, an error message is also returned. If it is a directory, then traverse the files and subdirectories in it. For subdirectories, recursively call the listDir function to list their contents. For files, print the file name and file size. Finally, return all collected information as a string

Result demonstration

TF card control pin description
SPI interface ESP32-S3



Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates using I2S to drive the ES8311 chip to play the converted binary audio file

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • es8311_codec_init: Initializes the ES8311 audio codec
    • Create a handle es_handle for the ES8311 codec
    • Configure the clock parameters of ES8311, including the main clock and sampling clock frequency, as well as the clock polarity, etc.
    • Initialize the codec and set the audio resolution to 16 bits
    • Configure sampling frequency
    • Configure microphone-related parameters, such as turning off the microphone, setting volume, and microphone gain
  • setup: Perform overall initialization settings, including serial port, pins, I2S, and ES8311 codec
    • Initialize serial port for debugging output
    • Set a specific pin as output and set it high
    • Configure I2S bus, set pins, operating mode, sampling rate, data bit width, channel mode, etc.
    • Initialize the I2C bus
    • Call the es8311_codec_init function to initialize the ES8311 codec
    • Play a predefined piece of audio data (canon_pcm) through the I2S bus

Result demonstration

  • Nothing will be shown on the screen if you play the audio file


Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates the use of squareline ui combined with LVGL examples, using the QMI8658 sensor to achieve adaptive screen display orientation. It displays real-time time via WIFI and changes the backlight brightness through touch input in specific areas

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup
    • Serial port initialization
    • Wi-Fi initialization: Wi-Fi connection and network time configuration
    • I2C communication and expander initialization: Initialize the I2C communication bus, specify the SDA and SCL pins, configure multiple expander pins (pins 0, 1, 2, 6)
    • Sensor initialization: Initialize QMI8658 sensor, initialize touch controller (FT3168 object)
    • Display initialization and related configuration
  • loop()
    • Interface rotation processing based on sensor data
    • LVGL graphical interface update
    • Display brightness adjustment processing
    • Interface element value update

Code modification

  • The image content resources are large and need to be set Tools ->Partition Scheme -> 16M Flash (3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS)
  • Modify to your available WiFi


Result demonstration


Working with ESP-IDF

This chapter introduces setting up the ESP-IDF environment setup, including the installation of Visual Studio and the Espressif IDF plugin, program compilation, downloading, and testing of demos, to assist users in mastering the development board and facilitating secondary development. ESP-IDF-flow-01.png

Environment Setup

Download and Install Visual Studio

  • Open the download page of VScode official website, choose the corresponding system and system bit to download
  • After running the installation package, the rest can be installed by default, but here for the subsequent experience, it is recommended to check boxes 1, 2, and 3
    • After the first two items are enabled, you can open VSCode directly by right-clicking files or directories, which can improve the subsequent user experience.
    • After the third item is enabled, you can select VSCode directly when you choose how to open it.
The environment setup is carried out on the Windows 10 system, Linux and Mac users can access ESP-IDF environment setup for reference

Install Espressif IDF Plugin

  • It is generally recommended to use Install Online. If online installation fails due to network factor, use Install Offline.
  • For more information about how to install the Espressif IDF plugin, see Install Espressif IDF Plugin

Run the First ESP-IDF Demo

If you are just getting started with ESP32 and ESP-IDF, and you don't know how to create, compile, flash, and run ESP-IDF ESP32 programs, then please expand and take a look. Hope it can help you!

New Project



Create Demo

  • Using the shortcut F1, enter esp-idf:show examples projects


  • Select your current IDF version


  • Take the Hello world demo as an example

①Select the corresponding demo
②Its readme will state what chip the demo applies to (how to use the demo and the file structure are described below, omitted here)
③Click to create the demo

  • Select the path to save the demo, and require that the demos cannot use folders with the same name


Modify COM Port

  • The corresponding COM ports are shown here, click to modify them
  • Please select the COM ports according to your device (You can view it from the device manager)
  • In case of a download failure, please press the Reset button for more than 1 second or enter download mode, and wait for the PC to recognize the device again before downloading once more


Modify Driver Object

  • Select the object we need to drive, which is our main chip ESP32S3


  • Choose the path to openocd, it doesn't affect us here, so let's just choose one


Other Status Bar Functions

①.ESP-IDF Development Environment Version Manager, when our project requires differentiation of development environment versions, it can be managed by installing different versions of ESP-IDF. When the project uses a specific version, it can be switched to by utilizing it
②.Device flashing COM port, select to flash the compiled program into the chip
③.Select set-target chip model, select the corresponding chip model, for example, ESP32-P4-NANO needs to choose esp32p4 as the target chip
④.menuconfig, click it to Modify sdkconfig configuration file Project configuration details
⑤.fullclean button, when the project compilation error or other operations pollute the compiled content, you can clean up all the compiled content by clicking it
⑥.Build project, when a project satisfies the build, click this button to compile
⑦.Current download mode, the default is UART
⑧.flash button, when a project build is completed, select the COM port of the corresponding development board, and click this button to flash the compiled firmware to the chip
⑨.monitor enable flashing port monitoring, when a project passes through Build --> Flash, click this button to view the log of output from flashing port and debugging port, so as to observe whether the application works normally
⑪.Build Flash Monitor one-click button, which is used to continuously execute Build --> Flash --> Monitor, often referred to as "little flame"


Compile, Flash and Serial Port Monitor

  • Click on the all-in-one button we described before to compile, flash and open the serial port monitor


  • It may take a long time to compile especially for the first time


  • During this process, the ESP-IDF may take up a lot of CPU resources, so it may cause the system to lag
  • If it is the first time to flash the program for a new project, you will need to select the download method, and select UART


  • This can also be changed later in the Download methods section (click on it to pop up the options)


  • As it comes with the onboard automatic download circuit, it can be downloaded automatically without manual operation
  • After successful download, it will automatically enter the serial monitor, you can see the chip output the corresponding information and be prompted to restart after 10S


Use the IDF Demos

The following takes ESP32-S3-LCD-1.47-Demo as an example to introduce the two opening methods of the project and the general steps of use, and the detailed explanation of the ESP-IDF project. If you use other projects, the operation steps can be applied similarly.

Open in the software

  • Open VScode software and select the folder to open the demo


  • Select the provided ESP-IDF example and click to select the file (located in the /Demo/ESP-IDF path under demo)


Open from Outside the Software

  • Select the project directory correctly and open the project, otherwise it will affect the compilation and flashing of subsequent programs


  • After connecting the device, select the COM port and model, click below to compile and flash to achieve program control


ESP-IDF Project Details

  • Component: The components in ESP-IDF are the basic modules for building applications, each component is usually a relatively independent code base or library, which can implement specific functions or services, and can be reused by applications or other components, similar to the definition of libraries in Python development.
    • Component reference: The import of libraries in the Python development environment only requires to "import library name or path", while ESP-IDF is based on the C language, and the importing of libraries is configured and defined through CMakeLists.txt.
    • The purpose of CmakeLists.txt: When compiling ESP-IDF, the build tool CMake first reads the content of the top-level CMakeLists.txt in the project directory to read the build rules and identify the content to be compiled. When the required components and demos are imported into the CMakeLists.txt, the compilation tool CMake will import each content that needs to be compiled according to the index. The compilation process is as follows:

ESP32-P4 VSCode ESP-IDF GettingStart 240906 02.png



  • ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 Demo
Demo Basic Description
01_AXP2101 Obtain power-related data through the ported XPowersLib to drive AXP2101
02_PCF85063 Drive pcf85063 for time storage and reading function
03_QMI8658 Use the ported SensorLib to drive qmi8658 to obtain gyroscope-related data
04_SD_MMC Initialize TF card using sdmmc and read/write the content
05_LVGL_WITH_RAM Run the LVGL demo by enabling dual caching and DMA acceleration anti-tearing, etc.
06_I2SCodec Use I2S to drive ES8311 Codec chip to record or play audio


Demo description

  • This demo demonstrates using ESP-IDF to port XPowersLib, and driving AXP2101 to obtain power-related data through the ported XPowersLib

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • i2c_init: Initializes the I2C master in preparation for communication with other devices, such as the PMU
    • Configure I2C parameters, including setting the master device mode, specifying the SDA and SCL pins, enabling the pull-up resistor, and determining the clock frequency
    • Install the I2C driver and apply the configuration to the actual hardware
  • pmu_register_read: Reads a series of bytes of data from a specific register of the PMU
    • Perform parameter checks to ensure the incoming parameters are valid and avoid invalid read operations
    • Perform I2C operations in two steps, first send the register address to read, then read the data. During the reading process, different processing is carried out according to the length of bytes to be read to ensure accurate reading of the data. At the same time, handle error cases in the I2C communication process and return the corresponding status code so that the upper-layer code can determine if the read operation is successful

Result demonstration

  • This demo will not light up the screen
  • The serial port monitor displays the parameters: chip temperature, charging state, discharging state, standby state, Vbus connected, Vbus condition, charger status, battery voltage, Vbus voltage, system voltage, battery percentage



Demo description

  • This demo uses a simple way to drive the PCF85063 for time storage and reading functionality

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • i2c_master_init
    • Define the I2C configuration structure conf, set the master device mode, SDA and SCL pins, pull-up resistor, and clock frequency
    • Use the i2c_param_config function to configure I2C parameters. If the configuration fails, an error log is recorded and an error code is returned
    • Use the i2c_driver_install function to install the I2C driver, apply the configuration to the actual hardware, and return the result
  • rtc_get_time
    • Define a byte array named data with a length of 7 for storing read time data
    • Call the rtc_read_reg function to read 7 bytes of time data starting from the specific register address (0x04) of the RTC chip. If the reading fails, an error log is recorded and an error code is returned
    • Process the time data read, separately extract the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, and convert BCD to decimal
    • Use ESP_LOGI to output the formatted current time

Result demonstration

  • This demo will not light up the screen
  • The serial port monitor prints time information



Demo description

This demo demonstrates using ESP-IDF to port SensorLib, then use the ported SensorLib to drive qmi8658 to obtain gyroscope-related data

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • setup_sensor: Set and initialize the environment and parameters required to communicate with the QMI8658 sensor
    • Initialize I2C communication to ensure that the connection channel to the sensor is established
    • Initialize the sensor, check if the sensor is properly connected
    • Configure the sensor's accelerometer and gyroscope parameters to meet specific application needs
    • Enable the sensor to start collecting data
  • read_sensor_data: Read and process data from the QMI8658 sensor in a continuous loop and output the results
    • In the loop, continuously check if the sensor data is ready
    • When the data is ready, the accelerometer, gyroscope, timestamp, and temperature data are read and logged out
    • Handle the failure of data reading by recording an error log for troubleshooting
    • Control the execution speed of the loop through delay to avoid excessive consumption of system resources

Result demonstration

  • This demo will not light up the screen
  • The serial port monitor prints sensor data



Demo description

This demo demonstrates initializing TF card using sdmmc and read/write the content

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount: Mount the FAT file system of the TF card to the specified mount point and establish a file access interface for the TF card
    • Prepare the mount configuration, determine whether to format and other parameters when the mount fails
    • Initialize the SDMMC host configuration, including settings such as frequency. For specific chips, power control initialization may also be required
    • Configure SDMMC card slot parameters such as bus width and GPIO pin settings
    • Call the function to perform the mounting operation, try to initialize the TF card and mount the file system. If successful, you can get the TF card information; if it fails, an error code is returned for error handling
  • s_example_write_file: Write data to a file in a specified path to create and update file contents on the TF card
    • Open the file at the specified path in write mode, and if it fails to open, log the error and return the error code
    • Use the standard C library function fprintf to write data to a file
    • Close the file and record a log indicating that the file has been written. If there are issues while opening or writing, it will affect the creation of the file and the saving of data

Result demonstration

  • This demo will not light up the screen
  • The serial port monitor prints the TF card information



Demo description

  • This example shows LVGL demo, which can run LVGL demo by enabling dual caching, enabling DMA acceleration and anti-tearing, etc., and run dynamic graphics and texts smoothly, the frame rate can reach 200~300 frames

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • app_main: The initialization and startup process of the entire application
    • Hardware initialization: Configure and initialize hardware devices related to LCD display and touch input (if available), such as GPIO pins, SPI bus, I2C bus, LCD panel driver, and touch controller driver, etc.
    • LVGL initialization: Initialize the LVGL library, allocate drawing buffers, register display driver and touch input device driver (if available), install timers, and create mutexes and start LVGL tasks
    • Example display: Finally show LVGL examples, such as widget examples, etc.
  • example_lvgl_port_task: LVGL task function, responsible for handling LVGL regular updates and task delay control, ensuring the smooth operation of the LVGL interface
    • Timed update: The lv_timer_handler is called to handle the timer event of LVGL to update the interface state
    • Delay control: Determine the task's delay time based on the results of timer processing to avoid excessive CPU resource usage and ensure timely response to LVGL events

Result demonstration



Demo description

This demo demonstrates using the I2S to drive the ES8311 Codec chip to capture or play audio

Hardware connection

  • Connect the development board to the computer

Code analysis

  • app_main: The initialization and startup process of the entire application
    • Initialize the GPIO, set a specific pin to output mode and control its level state
    • Print startup information, provide initial status feedback of program running LVGL task
    • Initialize I2S peripherals, configure I2S channels and related hardware parameters, and ensure the transmission of audio data
    • Initialize ES8311 codec, configure the I2C bus and set the codec parameters to prepare for audio processing
    • Create corresponding tasks according to different operating modes to realize music playback or microphone echo function
  • es8311_codec_init: Responsible for initializing I2C peripherals and configuring the ES8311 audio codec to ensure that the codec can work normally
    • Initialize the I2C bus, including setting parameters such as pins, modes, clock speed, etc., and install an I2C driver to establish the foundation for communication with the ES8311
    • Create a handle to the ES8311 codec for subsequent configuration operations
    • Configure the clock parameters of the ES8311, such as the reversal state of the host and slave clocks, the host clock source, frequency, and sampling frequency
    • Initialize the ES8311 codec and set parameters such as audio resolution
    • Set the sampling frequency, volume, and microphone parameters (as needed) to meet specific audio processing needs

Result demonstration

  • This demo will not light up the screen, only play the audio
  • The serial port monitor can view the serial port information


Custom audio

Users can customize audio playback segments by following the steps below (some programming knowledge is required)

  • Select any format of music you want to play (e.g. a.mp3)
  • Install ffmpeg tool
  • Use the command line to view the details of an audio file, including the file's encoding format, duration, bitrate, audio stream details, etc.
    • ffprobe a.mp3
  • Cut your music because there isn't enough room for the whole piece of music
    • ffmpeg -i a.mp3 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:20 a_cut.mp3
  • Convert music format to .pcm
    • ffmpeg -i a_cut.mp3 -f s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le a_cut.pcm
  • Move the cropped a_cut.pcm audio file to main directory
  • Replace canon.pcm in main\CMakeList.txt with a_cut.pcm
  • Replace _binary_canon_pcm_start and _binary_canon_pcm_end in main\i2s_es8311_example.c with _binary_a_cut_pcm_start and _binary_a_cut_pcm_end
  • Compile and flash

Flash Firmware Flashing and Erasing

  • The current demo provides test firmware, which can be used to test whether the onboard device functions properly by directly flashing the test firmware
  • Binary file path:


Schematic Diagram




Other Components


Other Resource Links



You can subscribe to the repository, just open an issue, explain your requirements clearly, engineers will be the first time to evaluate the requirements, if there is any progress and update the repository, and you can also joke about the product, share your experience, and put forward your ideas. ESP32-display-support


The reserved pad spacing of this product is 1.27mm, and it is compatible with copper pillars of M2 size.
600px-ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8-241206 01.png


The product is equipped with ES8311 audio codec chip, onboard speaker, and SMD microphone. And it can achieve voice dialogue function;
At present, the access to various platforms has been verified, and mainstream platforms such as Doubao, ERNIE Bot , and ChatGPT are supported. The demos will gradually be opened up to ESP32-AIChats


The measured temperature is at room temperature 20°C, the wifi STA and AP modes are turned on, and the battery is in the charging state. The test lasts for half an hour, and the highest temperature read through AXP2101 temperature data is 46 ℃. During the normal discharge process, the temperature will decrease by 3-4 ℃. If WiFi/Bluetooth function is not turned on, it can maintain a stable temperature of around 36 ℃
This AMOLED screen can withstand high temperatures; at 40 to 60 degrees Celsius, it will not affect the screen display or touch function. In high temperature and high humidity conditions, there may be some polarization, which is within the normal range.
For this product, it is recommended to use the low-power operation mode of ESP32-S3 to complete the application in some scenarios.


1. When the serial port is occupied, the flashing will fail. Close the serial port monitor and try to flash again
2. When the ESP32 program crashes, the flashing will fail, and the development module needs to be completely powered off, hold down BOOT and power it on again to enter the strong download mode and then flash it. It will not automatically exit the download mode after flashing, so you need to power off and restart again
Note: To power on this product again, press and hold the PWR button for at least 6 seconds, and then press the PWR button again


When the project fails to be compiled, check the development environment.

  1. Arduino IDE compiling the project shows the situation in the image, you need to modify Partition Scheme->16M Flash(3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS)ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8-FAQ 241227 01.png
  2. When the ESP-IDF project compilation fails, delete the build, managed_components, and dependencies.lock, and then compile again. If the error persists, check whether the ESP-IDF version and the CMakeList.txt in the project directory are correctly recognized


In this case, due to the crash of the program, the USB cannot work normally, you can press and hold the BOOT button and then power on, at this time, the module can enter the download mode to flash the firmware (program) to solve the situation.


In the Arduino IDE, the first compilation loads and compiles all the dependencies, so it's normal for the first compilation task to be time-consuming. Just wait patiently


This product has an on-board AXP2101, which can measure all kinds of battery data, such as: chip temperature, whether it is charged, whether it is connected to the power supply, charging status, battery voltage, charging voltage, battery power, etc.


The battery capacity measurement of the AXP2101 is based on battery voltage, but battery capacity does not vary linearly, so large percentage fluctuations may occur during measurement. Especially in the case of plugging and unplugging chargers, load changes, or battery aging, the fluctuations become more noticeable. The measured percentages are for reference only, and the actual voltage is used as a measure of capacity.


Yes, the two buttons of this product are BOOT and PWR. The functions are as follows:
1. BOOT: Press and then power on, and the development board enters download mode (commonly used when the program freezes or the USB GPIO is occupied); under normal working conditions, the GPIO0 can detect the high and low level of the button to determine the action, and the low level is pressed, which can recognize click, double-click, multi-click, and long-press actions.
2.PWR: In the power-on state, press and hold for 6s to power off, in the power-off state (power off to charge the battery), click to power on; Under normal working conditions, the action can be judged by the high and low levels of the EXIO4 and IO5 detection buttons of the extended IO, and the high level is pressed, which can identify the actions of single click, double click, multiple click and long press (long press should not exceed 6s, otherwise the power will be turned off).


The core chip of this product is ESP32-S3R8, which supports wireless communication functions such as 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 5 (LE), and has an onboard SMD antenna, and the antenna gain has been adjusted to the optimum, which can support the use of Bluetooth 5 (LE) and WiFi. For details, please refer to ESP32-S3 datasheet


This product uses ESP32-S3R8 as the core, connects the screen via QSPI protocol, fully supports Chinese display, but requires meeting the following conditions:
1. Character encoding support is required, and strings that support UNICODE-8 encoding can be rendered to the screen
2. Font library support
3. Display library support, LVGL or Arduino_GFX are supported


Write 0x00 (darkest, backlight off) ~ 0xFF (brightest) to the 0x51 via QSPI to control the brightness.
The Arduino_GFX library in Arduino encapsulates custom functions that control backlight via gfx->Display_Brightness(i), where i has values from 0 (darkest, backlight off) to 255 (brightest).


Screen display chip: SH8601;
Screen touch chip: FT3168


ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 is based on the ESP32-S3R8 chip, supports ESP-IDF and its ecosystem, and can be developed using ESP-IDF or arduino-esp32 Core. ESP-IDF can be used with Vscode, and arduino-esp32 can be used with Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.


It is not waterproof and should be kept dry when used


The recommended battery specification is 3.85*24*28 400mAh, which can be used for about 1 hour in the regular full-light state, 3~4 hours when the screen backlight is turned off, and about 6 hours in full low-power scenarios. The supplied battery (China only) is 350mAh.


The upper driver of the GFX Arduino LVGL is the Arduino TFT library, and the ability to read and write images accelerated by DMA is limited in this scenario. The LVGL examples provided by ESP-IDF enable double buffering and anti-tearing optimization operations, so the results are better.
In the Arduino IDE development environment, we also provide a native esp_lcd_panel driver mode, which is significantly improved compared with the screen refresh in the Arduino TFT scenario, but the effect is not as good as the ESP-IDF example.
When using, please change LV_COLOR_16_SWAP in "lvgl_conf.h" under Arduino IDE libraries to 1


Windows system:
①View through Device Manager: Press the Windows + R keys to open the "Run" dialog box; Input devmgmt.msc and press Enter to open Device Manager; Expand the "Port (COM and LPT)" section, here it will list all the COM ports and their current status.
②Use the command prompt to view: Open the Command Prompt (CMD); enter the mode command, which will display status information for all COM ports.
③Check hardware connections: If you have already connected external devices to the COM port, the device usually occupies a port number, which can be determined by checking the connected hardware.
Linux system:
①Use the dmesg command to view: Open the terminal.
①Use the ls command to view: Enter ls /dev/ttyS* or ls /dev/ttyUSB* to list all serial port devices.
③Use the setserial command to view: Enter setserial -g /dev/ttyS* to view the configuration information of all serial port devices.


The Type-C flashing and debugging port of ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 is directly output from ESP32-S3 USB. In the Arduino IDE development environment, it supports printf function for printing and output. If you want to support Serial function for printing and output, you need to enable USB CDC On Boot function or HWCDC declaration. For this, please refer to the demonstration in the demo. ESP-IDF usually uses ESP_LOGD and ESP-ERROR_CECK for printing output.


This product is positioned as a development board and is not a finished product. Regarding the product ecosystem, ESP32 is a core product with a mature ecosystem and a friendly development environment. We do not assist in modifying the code. As creators and geeks, please use your DIY abilities. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our engineers for answers.
If you think our products are good, and you want to customize hardware, casings, software, etc. in batches, please contact business sales team


Technical Support

If you need technical support or have any feedback/review, please click the Submit Now button to submit a ticket, Our support team will check and reply to you within 1 to 2 working days. Please be patient as we make every effort to help you to resolve the issue.
Working Time: 9 AM - 6 PM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)