Template: Virtual Keyboard Installation

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Control Backlight Brightness with GPIO

Use a 0R resistor or solder to connect this pad.
Virtual Keyboard Installation01.png
Execute the following command on the Raspberry Pi terminal to control the backlight brightness:

gpio -g pwm 18 1024
gpio -g mode 18 pwm (the occupied pins are PWM pins)
gpio pwmc 1000
gpio -g pwm 18 X (control brightness, X value is between 0~1024)

Install Virtual Keyboard

1. Install matchbox-keyboard

sudo apt-get install update
sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard
sudo nano /usr/bin/toggle-matchbox-keyboard.sh

2. Copy the statements below to toggle-matchbox-keyboard.sh and save.

#This script toggle the virtual keyboard
PID=`pidof matchbox-keyboard`
if [ ! -e $PID ]; then
killall matchbox-keyboard
matchbox-keyboard -s 50 extended&

3. Execute the commands:

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/toggle-matchbox-keyboard.sh
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/applications
sudo nano /usr/local/share/applications/toggle-matchbox-keyboard.desktop

4. Copy the statements to toggle-matchbox-keyboard.desktop and save.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Toggle Matchbox Keyboard
Comment=Toggle Matchbox Keyboard`

5. Execute commands as below. Note that you need to use "Pi " user permission instead of root to execute this command

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel

6. Find the statement which is similar to below: (It maybe different in different version)

Plugin {
type = launchbar
Config {
Button {
Button {

7. Append these statements to add an button option:

Button {


8. Reboot your Raspberry Pi. If the virtual keyboard is installed correctly, you can find that there is a keyboard icon on the left of the bar

sudo reboot