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Add the following command to /boot/config.txt:




Replace the custom image with the image in this directory /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/splash.png.




Test environment: 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye-armhf 32-bit system
Supported models: Support Waveshare DSI LCD, DPI LCD, and HDMI LCD capacitive touch screen series.Only support 32bit system

Software Installation

wget https://files.waveshare.com/upload/1/18/Evdev-right-click-emulation.zip
unzip Evdev-right-click-emulation.zip
cd evdev-right-click-emulation
sudo apt install build-essential libevdev2 libevdev-dev
cd 'evdev-right-click-emulation'
sudo cp 'out/evdev-rce' '/usr/local/bin/'
sudo chmod +x '/usr/local/bin/evdev-rce'

Enter the command:

sudo evdev-rce

After running, you can touch and long press to realize the right-click function.

Set IP

sudo usermod -G 'input' -a pi
echo 'uinput' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
sudo nano  /etc/udev/rules.d/99-uinput.rules

Add in 99-uinput.rules file.

KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0660", GROUP="input"

save it and run it in the terminal.

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

Then reboot:

sudo reboot

Run after reboot (no sudo needed at this point).


After running, you can touch and long press to realize the right-click function.

Set Startup

Enter the terminal:

sudo mkdir ~/.config/autostart
sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/right_click.desktop

Add the following in right_click.desktop.

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Enable long-press-to-right-click gesture
Exec=env LONG_CLICK_INTERVAL=1000 LONG_CLICK_FUZZ=200  /usr/local/bin/evdev-rce

#If you want to modify the sensitivity, you can modify the size of the two parameters, LONG_CLICK_INTERVAL=1000 LONG_CLICK_FUZZ=200.



It depends on the system, if the system has hibernation, the screen will also be black. If it is the official system of Raspberry Pi, the default is about ten minutes without action to have hibernation.