Template: Pico Servo Driver Guide

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Hardware connection

Connect the Driver board to Pico, please take care of the direction according to the USB silk screen printing.


Setup environment

Please refer to Raspberry Pi's guide: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/pico/getting-started/

Raspberry Pi

1. Open a terminal of Raspberry Pi
2. Download and unzip the demo codes to directory Pico C/C++ SDK

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
cd ~
sudo wget  https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/3/31/Pico_Servo_Driver_Code.7z
7z Pico_Servo_Driver_Code.7z -o./Pico_Servo_Driver_Code.7z
cd ~/Pico_Servo_Driver_Code


1. Hold the BOOTSEL button of Pico, and connect the USB interface of Pico to Raspberry Pi then release the button.
2. Compile and run the pico_servo_driver examples

cd ~/Pico_Servo_Driver_Code/c/build/
cmake ..
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/pico && sudo cp rtc.uf2 /mnt/pico/ && sudo sync && sudo umount /mnt/pico && sleep 2 && sudo minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyACM0


1. Refer to Raspberry Pi's guides to setup Micropython firmware for Pico
2. Open the Thonny IDE, update it if your Thonny doesn't support Pico

sudo apt upgrade thonny

3. Click File->Open...->python/Pico_Servo_Driver_Code/python/servo.py to open the example and run it.