Template: Pico LCD 0.96 Guide

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Hardware connection

Please take care of the direction when you connect Pico, an USB port is printed to indicate . You can also check the pin of Pico and the LCD board when connecting.
You can connect display according to the table.

e-Paper Pico Description
VCC VSYS Power Input
DIN GP11 MOSI pin of SPI, data transmitted from Master t Slave
CLK GP10 SCK pin of SPI, clock pin
CS GP9 Chip selection of SPI, low active
DC GP8 Data/Command control pin (High:data; Low: command)
RST GP12 Reset pin, low active
BL GP13 Backlight control



Connection(with adapter board)


Setup environment

Please refer to Raspberry Pi's guide:https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/pico/getting-started/

Download Demo codes

Open terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
cd ~
sudo wget  https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/7/74/Pico_LCD_code.7z
7z x Pico_LCD_code.7z -o./Pico_LCD_code
cd ~/Pico_LCD_code
cd c/build/

Run the Demo codes

This guides is based on Raspberry Pi.

C examples

Open a terminal and enter the directory of C codes:

cd ~/Pico_LCD_code/c/

Create a build folder and add SDK:
For example, if the path of SDK is ../../pico-sdk
Then you should create build and add the path like these:

mkdir build
cd build
export PICO_SDK_PATH=../../pico-sdk

Run cmake.. command to to generate Makefile file

cmake ..

Run make command to build.

make -j9

Codes Analysis


Bottom hardware interface

We package the hardware layer for easily porting to the different hardware platforms.
DEV_Config.c(.h) in the directory:...\c\lib\Config

  • Data type:
#define UBYTE   uint8_t
#define UWORD   uint16_t
#define UDOUBLE uint32_t
  • Module initialize and exit:
void DEV_Module_Init(void);
void DEV_Module_Exit(void);
1.The functions above are used to initialize the display or exit handle.
  • GPIO write/read:
void 	DEV_Digital_Write(UWORD Pin, UBYTE Value);
UBYTE 	DEV_Digital_Read(UWORD Pin);
  • SPI transmit data
void DEV_SPI_WriteByte(UBYTE Value);

Application functions

We provide basic GUI functions for testing, like draw point, line, string, and so on. The GUI function can be found in directory:..\c\lib\GUI\GUI_Paint.c(.h)
The fonts used can be found in directory: RaspberryPi\c\lib\Fonts
LCD rpi Font.png

  • Create a new image, you can set the image name, width, height, rotate angle and color.
void Paint_NewImage(UWORD *image, UWORD Width, UWORD Height, UWORD Rotate, UWORD Color, UWORD Depth)
 	image : Name of the image buffer, this is a pointer;
 	Width : Width of the image;
 	Height: Height of the image;
 	Rotate: Rotate angle of the Image;
 	Color : The initial color of the image;
 	Depth : Depth of the color
  • Select image buffer: You can create multiple image buffers at the same time and select the certain one and drawing by this function.
void Paint_SelectImage(UBYTE *image)
 	image: The name of the image buffer, this is a pointer;
  • Rotate image: You need to set the rotate angle of the image, this function should be used after Paint_SelectImage(). The angle can 0, 90, 180, 270
void Paint_SetRotate(UWORD Rotate)
 	Rotate: Rotate angle of the image, the parameter can be ROTATE_0, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270.
【Note】Afer rotating, the place of the first pixel is different as below
Pico LCD Rotate.jpg
  • Image mirror: This function is used to set the image mirror.
void Paint_SetMirroring(UBYTE mirror)
 	mirror: Mirror type if the image, the parameter can be MIRROR_NONE、MIRROR_HORIZONTAL、MIRROR_VERTICAL、MIRROR_ORIGIN.
  • Set the position and color of pixels: This is the basic function of GUI, it is used to set the position and color of a pixel in the buffer.
void Paint_SetPixel(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color)
 	Xpoint: The X-axis position of the point in the image buffer
 	Ypoint: The Y-axis position of the point in the image buffer
 	Color : The color of the point
  • Color of the image: To set the color of the image, this function always be used to clear the display.
void Paint_Clear(UWORD Color)
 	Color: The color of the image
  • Color of the windows: This function is used to set the color of windows, it always used for updating partial areas like displaying a clock.
void Paint_ClearWindows(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color)
 	Xstart: X-axis position of the start point.
 	Ystart: Y-axis position of the start point.
 	Xend: X-axis position of the endpoint.
 	Yend: Y-axis position of the endpoint
 	Color: Color of the windows.
  • Draw point: Draw a point at the position (Xpoint, Ypoint) of image buffer, you can configure the color, size, and the style.
void Paint_DrawPoint(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Dot_Pixel, DOT_STYLE Dot_Style)
 	Xpoint: X-axis position of the point.
 	Ypoint: Y-axis position of the point
 	Color: Color of the point
 	Dot_Pixel: Size of the point, 8 sizes are available.
 	 	 typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1,	// 1 x 1
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , 		// 2 X 2
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_3X3  , 	 	// 3 X 3
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_4X4  , 	 	// 4 X 4
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , 		// 5 X 5
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , 		// 6 X 6
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , 		// 7 X 7
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , 		// 8 X 8
 	 	} DOT_PIXEL;
 	Dot_Style: Style of the point, it defines the extended mode of the point.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	   DOT_FILL_AROUND  = 1,		
 	 	} DOT_STYLE;
  • Draw line: Draw a line from (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend) in image buffer, you can configure the color, width, and style.
void Paint_DrawLine(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, LINE_STYLE Line_Style , LINE_STYLE Line_Style)
 	Xstart: Xstart of the line
 	Ystart: Ystart of the line
 	Xend: Xend of the line
 	Yend: Yend of the line
 	Color: Color of the line
 	Line_width: Width of the line, 8 sizes are available.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1,	// 1 x 1
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , 		// 2 X 2
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_3X3  ,		// 3 X 3
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_4X4  ,		// 4 X 4
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , 		// 5 X 5
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , 		// 6 X 6
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , 		// 7 X 7
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , 		// 8 X 8
 	 	} DOT_PIXEL;
 	 Line_Style: Style of the line, Solid or Dotted.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 LINE_STYLE_SOLID = 0,
  • Draw rectangle: Draw a rectangle from (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend), you can configure the color, width, and style.
void Paint_DrawRectangle(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill)
 	Xstart: Xstart of the rectangle.
 	Ystart: Ystart of the rectangle.
 	Xend: Xend of the rectangle.
 	Yend: Yend of the rectangle.
 	Color: Color of the rectangle
 	Line_width: The width of the edges. 8 sizes are available.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1,	// 1 x 1
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , 		// 2 X 2
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_3X3  ,		// 3 X 3
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_4X4  ,		// 4 X 4
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , 		// 5 X 5
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , 		// 6 X 6
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , 		// 7 X 7
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , 		// 8 X 8
 	 	} DOT_PIXEL;
 	Draw_Fill: Style of the rectangle, empty or filled.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DRAW_FILL_EMPTY = 0,
 	 	} DRAW_FILL;
  • Draw circle: Draw a circle in the image buffer, use (X_Center Y_Center) as center and Radius as radius. You can configure the color, width of the line, and style of a circle.
void Paint_DrawCircle(UWORD X_Center, UWORD Y_Center, UWORD Radius, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill)
 	X_Center: X-axis of center
 	Y_Center: Y-axis of center
 	Radius:radius of circle
 	Color:  Color of the circle
 	Line_width: The width of arc, 8 sizes are available.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1,	// 1 x 1
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , 		// 2 X 2
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_3X3  ,		// 3 X 3
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_4X4  ,		// 4 X 4
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , 		// 5 X 5
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , 		// 6 X 6
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , 		// 7 X 7
 	 	 	 DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , 		// 8 X 8
 	 	} DOT_PIXEL;
 	Draw_Fill: Style of the circle: empty or filled.
 	 	typedef enum {
 	 	 	 DRAW_FILL_EMPTY = 0,
 	 	} DRAW_FILL;
  • Show Ascii character: Show a characeter in (Xstart, Ystart) position, you can configure the font, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawChar(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char Ascii_Char, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
 	Xstart: Xstart of the character
 	Ystart: Ystart of the character
 	Ascii_Char:Ascii char
 	Font: five fonts are avaialble:
 	Color_Foreground: foreground color
 	Color_Background: background color
  • Draw string: Draw string at (Xstart Ystart) , you can configure the fonts, foreground and the background
void Paint_DrawString_EN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
 	Xstart: Xstart of the string
 	Ystart: Ystart of the string
 	Font: five fonts are available:
 	Color_Foreground: foreground color
 	Color_Background: background color
  • Draw Chiness string: Draw Chinese string at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer. You can configure fonts (GB2312), foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawString_CN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, cFONT* font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
 	Xstart: Xstart of string
 	Ystart: Ystart of string
 	Font: GB2312 fonts, two fonts are available                                                                                 :
 	 	font12CN:ascii 11*21,Chinese 16*21
 	 	font24CN:ascii 24*41,Chinese 32*41
 	Color_Foreground: Foreground color
 	Color_Background: Background color
  • Draw number: Draw numbers at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer. You can select font, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawNum(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, int32_t Nummber, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
 	Xstart: Xstart of numbers
 	Ystart: Ystart of numbers
 	Nummber:numbers displayed. It support int type and 2147483647 are the maximum supported
 	Font: Ascii fonts, five fonts are available:
 	Color_Foreground: Foregroud color
 	Color_Background: Background color
  • Draw float numbers: Draw float number at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer, you can configure fonts, foreground, and background.
void Paint_DrawFloatNum(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, double Number,  UBYTE Decimal_Point,	sFONT* Font,    UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD  Color_Background);
 	Xstart: Xstart of the number
 	Ystart: Ystart of the number
 	Nummber:The float number. Double type.
        Decimal_Point:The decimal number 
 	Font: Ascii fonts, five fonts are avaialble.:
 	Color_Foreground: Foreground
 	Color_Background: Background
  • Display time: Display time at (Xstart Ystart) of image buffer, you can configure fonts, foreground and the background.
void Paint_DrawTime(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, PAINT_TIME *pTime, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Background, UWORD Color_Foreground)
 	Xstart: Xstart of time
 	Ystart: Ystart of time
 	pTime:Structure of time
 	Font: Ascii font, five fonts are avaialble
 	Color_Foreground: Foreground
 	Color_Background: Background