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==About the codes==
We provide examples for four popular hardware platforms: Arduino UNO, Jetson UNO, Raspberry Pi, and STM32. (This is common Template for all e-Paper, some of the description/function may not be used by the e-Paper you have)<br />
Every project is divided into hardware interface, EPD driver and the application function;<br />
The programming languages are C\C++\python:<br />
*Arduino UNO:C++
*Jetson Nano:C and python
*Raspberry Pi:C and python
Note:<br />
The EPD driver of C codes of Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi, and STM32 are compatible. Except for the hardware interface, the codes are same;<br />
=C (Used for Jetson Nano、Raspberry Pi、STM32)=
;<big>Hardware interface</big>
Because of multiple hardware platforms, we package the bottom, for details of how it realizes, you go to related directory for certain codes<br />
In file DEV_Config.c(.h):<br />
For Raspberry Pi, the files are located in: RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\Config<br />
Here we use two libraries: bcm2835 and wiringPi
WiringPi library is used by default, if you want to use bcm2835 libraries, you just need to modify RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\Makefile file, change the lines 13 and 14 as below::
For Jetson Nano, the files are located in RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\Config<br />
For STM32, the files are located in STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\User\Config<br />
*Data type:
#define UBYTE  uint8_t
#define UWORD  uint16_t
#define UDOUBLE uint32_t
*Module Init and Exit handle:
<source lang="c">
void DEV_Module_Init(void);
void DEV_Module_Exit(void);
1.The functions are used to set GPIP before and after driving e-Paper.
2.If the board you have is printed with Rev2.1, module enter low-ultra mode after DEV_Module_Exit(). (as we test, the current is about 0 in this mode);
*GPIO Read/Write:
<source lang="c">
void DEV_Digital_Write(UWORD Pin, UBYTE Value);
UBYTE DEV_Digital_Read(UWORD Pin);
*SPI Write data
void DEV_SPI_WriteByte(UBYTE Value);
; EPD driver
For Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano, epd driver are saved in:RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\e-Paper<br />
For STM32, the epd driver are saved in: STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\User\e-Paper<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_HAT_RPI_epd.png|700px]]<br />
Open .h file, functions are declarated here<br />
*Initialization: It should be used to initialize e-Paper or wakeup e-Paper from sleep mode.
<source lang="c">
//1.54inch e-Paper、1.54inch e-Paper V2、2.13inch e-Paper、2.13inch e-Paper  V2、2.13inch e-Paper (D)、2.9inch e-Paper、2.9inch e-Paper (D)
void EPD_xxx_Init(UBYTE Mode); // Mode = 0 Initialize full refresh; Mode = 1 Initilize partial refresh
//Other types
void EPD_xxx_Init(void);
xxx is the type of e-paper, for example, if the e-paper you have is 2inch e-Paper (D), then it should be EPD_2IN13D_Init(0) or EPD_2IN13D_Init(1); If it is 7.5inch e-Paper (B), the function should be EPD_7IN5BC_Init(). B type and C type of 7.5inch e-Paper use the same codes.
*Clear display: This function is used to clear the e-paper to white
<source lang="c">
void EPD_xxx_Clear(void);
xxx is the type of e-Paper. For example, if the e-Paper you have is 4.2inch e-Paper, it should be EPD-4IN2_Clear()<br />
*Transmit a frame of image and display
<source lang="c">
//Black/White e-Paper
void EPD_xxx_Display(UBYTE *Image);
//Three colors e-Paper
void EPD_xxx_Display(const UBYTE *blackimage, const UBYTE *ryimage);
<br />
'''There are some exceptions:'''<br />
<source lang="c">
//To partial refresh 2.13inch e-paper (D)、2.9inch e-paper (D), you should use
void EPD_2IN13D_DisplayPart(UBYTE *Image);
void EPD_2IN9D_DisplayPart(UBYTE *Image);
<br />
<source lang="c">
//Because controllers of 1.54inch e-Paper V2 and 2.13inch e-Paper V2 were updated, you need to use EPD_xxx_DisplayPartBaseImage to display static image and ten use EPD_xxx_displayPart() to dymatic display when partial refreshing.
void EPD_1IN54_V2_DisplayPartBaseImage(UBYTE *Image);
void EPD_1IN54_V2_DisplayPart(UBYTE *Image);
void EPD_2IN13_V2_DisplayPart(UBYTE *Image);
void EPD_2IN13_V2_DisplayPartBaseImage(UBYTE *Image);
<br />
<source lang="c">
//Because STM32103ZET5 has no enough RAM for image, therefore 7.5B、7.5C、5.83B、5.83C can only display half of the screen:'''
void EPD_7IN5BC_DisplayHalfScreen(const UBYTE *blackimage, const UBYTE *ryimage);
void EPD_5IN83BC_DisplayHalfScreen(const UBYTE *blackimage, const UBYTE *ryimage);
xxx is the type of e-Paper<br />
*Enter sleep mode
void EPD_xxx_Sleep(void);
Note, You should hardware reset or use initialize function to wake up e-Paper from sleep mode<br />
xxx is the type of e-Paper<br />
; Application function
Basic drawing functions are provided here. 
You can find then in:<br />
Raspbian Pi & Jetson Nano: RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\GUI\GUI_Paint.c(.h)<br />
STM32: STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\User\GUI\GUI_Paint.c(.h)<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_HAT_GUI.png|700px]]<br />
The fonts are saved in the directory:<br />
Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano: RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\Fonts<br />
STM32: STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\User\Fonts<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_HAT_Fonts.png|700px]]<br />
*Create a new image buffer: This function is used to create a new image with width, height, Rotate degree and its color.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_NewImage(UBYTE *image, UWORD Width, UWORD Height, UWORD Rotate, UWORD Color)
image : The buffer of image, this is an pointer of buffer address;
Width : width of the image;
Height: height of the image;
Rotate:Rotate degree;
Color :Initial color of the image;
*Select image buffer: this function is used to select the image buffer. You can create multiple image buffer with last function, then select the buffer for every image.
<source lang="c">void Paint_SelectImage(UBYTE *image)
image: The name of image buffer, it is a pointer of buffer address;
*Set display orientation: This function is used to set the rotate degree, it is generally be used after Paint_SelectImage(). You can set the rotate degree to 0、90、180、270 degree.
<source lang="c">void Paint_SetRotate(UWORD Rotate)
Rotate: Rotate degree, you can choose ROTATE_0、ROTATE_90、ROTATE_180、ROTATE_270 which stands for 0、90、180、270 degree repetitively.
:【Note】Three figures below shows the display effect in differen degree. (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
*Image mirroring: This function is used to mirror image.
<source lang="c">void Paint_SetMirroring(UBYTE mirror)
*Set pixel: this function is used to set the position and color of pixels in the buffer. This is the basic function of GUI.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_SetPixel(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color)
Xpoint: X-axes in buffer;
Ypoint: Y-axes in buffer;
Color : color
*Clear: This function is used to clear the screen to certain color.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_Clear(UWORD Color)
*Clear windows:this function is used to clear a window. It is generally used for time display.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_ClearWindows(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color)
Xstart: Start coordinate of X-axes of window;
Ystart: Start coordinate of Y-axes of window;
Xend: End coordinate of X-axes of window;
Yend: End coordinate of Y-axes of window;
*Draw point: Draw a point on the position (Xpoint, Ypoint)in buffer
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawPoint(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Dot_Pixel, DOT_STYLE Dot_Style)
Xpoint: X coordinate of point;
Ypoint: Y coordinate of point;
Color: color of point;
Dot_Pixel: the size of point, there are 8 sizes available;
typedef enum {
DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1, // 1 x 1
DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , // 2 X 2
DOT_PIXEL_3X3  , // 3 X 3
DOT_PIXEL_4X4  , // 4 X 4
DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , // 5 X 5
DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , // 6 X 6
DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , // 7 X 7
DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , // 8 X 8
Dot_Style: style of point.
typedef enum {
*Draw line: draw a line for (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend)
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawLine(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, LINE_STYLE Line_Style , LINE_STYLE Line_Style)
Xstart: Start coordinate of X-axes of line;
Ystart: Start coordinate of Y-axes of line;
Xend: End coordinate of X-axes of line;
Yend: End coordinate of Y-axes of line;
Color:  color of line
Line_width: the width of line, 8 sizes are avalilable;
typedef enum {
DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1, // 1 x 1
DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , // 2 X 2
DOT_PIXEL_3X3  , // 3 X 3
DOT_PIXEL_4X4  , // 4 X 4
DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , // 5 X 5
DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , // 6 X 6
DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , // 7 X 7
DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , // 8 X 8
Line_Style: Style of the line;
typedef enum {
*Draw rectangle: Draw a rectangle from (Xstart, Ystart) to (Xend, Yend).
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawRectangle(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill)
Xstart: Start coordinate of X-axes of rectangle
Ystart: Start coordinate of Y-axes of rectangle
Xend: End coordinate of X-end of rectangle
Yend: End coordinate of Y-end of rectangle
Color: color of rectangle
Line_width: The width of edges, 8 sides are available;
typedef enum {
DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1, // 1 x 1
DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , // 2 X 2
DOT_PIXEL_3X3  , // 3 X 3
DOT_PIXEL_4X4  , // 4 X 4
DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , // 5 X 5
DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , // 6 X 6
DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , // 7 X 7
DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , // 8 X 8
Draw_Fill: set the rectangle full or empty.
typedef enum {
*Draw circle:Draw a circle, use (X_Center Y_Center) as center;
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawCircle(UWORD X_Center, UWORD Y_Center, UWORD Radius, UWORD Color, DOT_PIXEL Line_width, DRAW_FILL Draw_Fill)
X_Center: X coordinate of center
Y_Center: Y coordinate of center
Radius:Radius of circle
Color: color of circle
Line_width: width of circle, 8 sizes are avalilable
typedef enum {
DOT_PIXEL_1X1  = 1, // 1 x 1
DOT_PIXEL_2X2  , // 2 X 2
DOT_PIXEL_3X3  , // 3 X 3
DOT_PIXEL_4X4  , // 4 X 4
DOT_PIXEL_5X5  , // 5 X 5
DOT_PIXEL_6X6  , // 6 X 6
DOT_PIXEL_7X7  , // 7 X 7
DOT_PIXEL_8X8  , // 8 X 8
Draw_Fill: style of circle
typedef enum {
*Draw character (ASCII): Set(Xstart Ystart) as letf-top point, draw a ASCII character.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawChar(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char Ascii_Char, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
Xstart: X coordinate of left-top pixel of character;
Ystart: Y coordinate of left-top pixel of character;
Ascii_Char:Ascii character;
Font: 5 fonts are available;
Color_Foreground: color of character;
Color_Background: color of background;
*Draw String: Set point (Xstart Ystart) as the left-top pixel, draw a string.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawString_EN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
Xstart: X coordinate of left-top pixel of characters;
Ystart: Y coordinate of left-top pixel of characters;
pString;Pointer of string
Font: 5 fonts are available:
Color_Foreground: color of string
Color_Background: color of background
*Draw Chinese charactgers: this function is used to draw Chinese fonts based ON GB2312 fonts.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawString_CN(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, const char * pString, cFONT* font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
Xstart: Coordinate of left-top pixel of characters;
Ystart: Coordinate of left-top pixel of characters;
pString:Pointer of string;
Font: GB2312 fonts:
font12CN:11*21(ascii),16*21 (Chinese)
font24CN:24*41(ascii),32*41 (Chinese)
Color_Foreground: color of string
Color_Background: color of background
*Draw number: Draw a string of numbers, (Xstart, Ystart) is the left-top pixel.
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawNum(UWORD Xpoint, UWORD Ypoint, int32_t Nummber, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Foreground, UWORD Color_Background)
Xstart: X coordinate of left-top pixel;
Ystart: Y coordicate of left-to pixel;
Nummber:the numbers displayed. the numbers are saved in int format, the maximum is 2147483647;
Font: 5 fonts are available:
Color_Foreground: color of font;
Color_Background: volor of background;
*Display time:Display time, (Xstart, Ystart) is the left-top pixel. This function is used for e-Paper which supports partial refresh
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawTime(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, PAINT_TIME *pTime, sFONT* Font, UWORD Color_Background, UWORD Color_Foreground)
Xstart: X coordinate of left-top pixel of character;
Ystart: Y coordinate of left-top pixel of character;
pTime:pointer of time displayed;
Font: 5 fonts are available;
Color_Foreground: color of fonts
Color_Background: color of background
*Draw image:send image data of bmp file to buffer
<source lang="c">
void Paint_DrawBitMap(const unsigned char* image_buffer)
image_buffer: adrress of image data in buffer
*Read local bmp picture and write it to buffer
Linux platform like Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi support to directly operate bmp pictures<br />
Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano:RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\lib\GUI\GUI_BMPfile.c(.h)<br />
<source lang="c">
UBYTE GUI_ReadBmp(const char *path, UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart)
path:The path of BMP pictures
Xstart: X coordination of left-top of picture, default 0;
Ystart: Y coordination of left-top of picture, default 0;
;Testing code
In the above part, we describe about the tree structures of linux codes, here we talk about the testing code for user.<br />
Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano: RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\c\examples;<br />
The codes in exampleas are testing code, you can modify the definition in main.c file for different types of e-Paper.<br />
[[file:e-Paper_Shield_c_test.png|400px]]<br />
For example, if you want to test 7.5inch e-paper, you need to delete the "//" symbol on line 42.<br />
// EPD_7in5_test();
change it to<br />
Then compile it again and run <br />
<source lang="c">
make clean
sudo ./epd
STM32:STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\User\Examples;<br />
testing codes are saved in this folder, open project, and then modify the definition stentences in main.c file;<br />
Open project:STM32\STM32-F103ZET6\MDK-ARM\epd-demo.uvprojx<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_stm32_main.png|400px]]<br />
For example, if you want to test 7.5inch e-paper, you should delete the "//" symble of on line 96<br />
// EPD_7in5_test();
Change it to <br />
Then re-compile project and donwload it<br />
;Python(Used for Jetson Nano\Raspberry Pi)
Supports python2.7 and python3<br />
python is easy to use than c codes<br />
Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano: RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\python\lib\<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_python_lib.png|700px]]<br />
*Initialize module and exit handle:
<source lang="c">
def module_init()
def module_exit()
1.The functions are used to set GPIP before and after driving e-Paper.
2.If the board you have is printed with Rev2.1, module enter low-ultra mode after Module_Exit(). (as we test, the current is about 0 in this mode);
*GPIO Read/Write:
<source lang="c">
def  digital_write(pin, value)
def  digital_read(pin)
*SPI write data
<source lang="c">
def spi_writebyte(data)
;epdxxx.py(xxx is the type of the e-Paper)
*Initialize e-paper: this function should be used at the beginning. It can also be used to wake up e-Paper from Sleep mode.
<source lang="c">
For 1.54inch e-Paper、1.54inch e-Paper V2、2.13inch e-Paper、2.13inch e-Paper  V2、2.13inch e-Paper (D)、2.9inch e-Paper、2.9inch e-Paper (D)
def init(self, update) # update should be lut_full_update or lut_partial_update
Other types:
def init(self)
*Clear e-paper: This function is used to clear e-Paper to white;
<source lang="c">
def Clear(self)
def Clear(self, color) # Some types of e-Paper should use this function to clear screen
*Convert image to arrays
<source lang="c">
def getbuffer(self, image)
*Transmit one frame of imgae data and display
<source lang="c">
#For two-color e-paper
def display(self, image)
#For three-color e-Paper
def display(self, blackimage, redimage)
There are several excepation:<br />
For flexible e-Paper 2.13inch e-paper (D)、2.9inch e-paper (D), the partial refresh should use
def DisplayPartial(self, image)
#Because that controllers of 1.54inch e-paper V2、2.13inch e-paper V2 are updated, when partial refresh, they should first use displayPartBaseImage() to display static background, then use displayPart() to dynamaticlly display.
def displayPartBaseImage(self, image)
def displayPart(self, image)
*Enter sleep mode
<source lang="c">
def sleep(self)
;epd_xxx_test.py(xxx is type of e-paper)
python examples are saved in directory:<br />
Raspberry Pi & Jetson Nano:RaspberryPi&JetsonNano\python\examples\<br />
[[file:e-paper_Driver_python_examples.png|700px]]<br />
If the python installed in your OS is python2, you should run examples like below:<br />
<source lang="c">
sudo python epd_7in5_test.py
If it is python3, the commands should be:<br />
<source lang="c">
sudo python3 epd_7in5_test.py
Note: You can change epd_7inch5_test.py to the certain type you use.
:To rotate the display, you can use transpose function
blackimage = blackimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
redimage = redimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
#Supports OTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270
:【Note】Three figures below shows the display effect in different degree. (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
Because Arduino doesn't have full RAM for display dynamatic image, we don't provide other functions for it. If you want to use Arduino, we recommend you to use Waveshare [https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/E-Paper_Shield e-paper Sheild].
0xC3:8 pixels □□■■■■□□
0x00:8 pixels ■■■■■■■■
0xFF:8 pixels □□□□□□□□
0x66:8 pixels ■□□■■□□■

Latest revision as of 10:24, 21 June 2022