Template: Compute Module 4 PoE Board Guide

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Writing Image

1、 If your Compute Module 4 (CM4 hereafter) is the LITE version, you just need to write the image to Micro SD card like Raspberry Pi boards.
2、 If your use the eMMC version, you need to connect the CM4 to PC by Micro USB cable, Download the rpiboot tools and install it as administrator
3、 Download newest Raspberry Pi OS image from Raspberry Pi Website.
Compute Module 4 IO Board 3.png
If you use the eMMC version, you need to connect the CM4 to the IO board. Connect the BOOT pin of IO board to the GND . Connect USB SLAVE Interface of IO board to PC. Connect 12V power adapter to IO Board. A device named BCMxxx is recognized, and you need to run the rpiboot software, to regonzied eMMC of CM4 as an portable drive.
4、 Format SD card: You need to format the MicroSD card or the eMMC by SDFormatter.exe software.
5、 Write image: You need to write the image to Micro SD card or the eMMC by Win32DiskImager.exe software. Select the image file and click “Write”. Please DO NOT format it after formatting.
6、 Booting: Insert the Micro SD card into the card slot and connect the 12V power adapter. Power indicator turn solid red and the ACT is green and blink while booting.
If you use the eMMC version, don't forget to disconnect the nRPI_BOOT J2 jumpers when powering off and reboot.
If you failed to write the eMMC, please try with the following steps:

  • User Windows PC instead of Windows 7 or Linux. It seems that Windows 7 or Linux PC is not stable for eMMC writing.
  • Check your CM4, make sure that it is the eMMC version which has one more eMMC chip compare to the LITE version..


  • Note that you need to connect 12 power adapter to the Power port.
  • Please change a USB cable for a try and make sure that the cable is data accessible.
  • Change the USB port of the PC and try it again.
  • Try to restart your PC.
  • Re-connect the CM4 for a try.
  • Try with other PCs.


To enable the I2C for Cooling fan and the RTC, you need to add the line "dtparam=i2c_vc=on" to config file
RTC is connected to i2c-10 with address 0x51(7bits)
FAN is connected to i2c-10 上 with address 0x2f(7bits)

sudo nano /boot/config.txt
#Add the following line to the end
#comment the line dtparam=audio=on
#Save and reboot
sudo reboot


CSI and DSI are disabled by default. I2C-10、I2C-11、I2C-0 should be used for Camera and DSI displays.
Open a terminal and run the following commands:

 sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
 wget https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/4/41/CM4_dt_blob.7z
 7z x CM4_dt_blob.7z -O./CM4_dt_blob
 sudo chmod 777 -R CM4_dt_blob
 cd CM4_dt_blob/
 #If you want to use both cameras and DSI0
 sudo  dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dt-blob.bin dt-blob-disp0-double_cam.dts
 #If you want to ue both cameras and DSI1
 sudo  dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dt-blob.bin dt-blob-disp1-double_cam.dts
 #HDMI1 is disabled if you use DSI interfaces for displayin. HDMI1 cannot work even thought you just built the file without connecting DSI display, please note it.
 #If you want to enable the HDMI1, please remove the dt-blob.bin file with the command: '''sudo rm -rf /boot/dt-blob.bin'''
 #Turn off IO Board and re-power the CM4

Connect Cameras and DSI display
1: Please first disconnect power off the IP Board when connecting.
2: Use CM-DSI-ADAPTER to connect Compute Module 4 PoE Board and DSI displays
3: UseCSI adapter cable to connect Compute Module 4 PoE Board and CSI cameras.
3: Connect the power adapter
4: Wait for booting.
5: If the DSI display cannot work, please check if you have added /boot/dt-blob.bin and reboot.
6: Please enable camera by raspi-config, choose Interfacing Options->Camera->Yes->Finish-Yesand reboot


Test RPi Camera:
Test video0:

sudo raspivid -t 0 -cs 0

Test video1:

sudo raspivid -t 0 -cs 1



No. PIN Description
1 PI BOOT The pin is low when booting. This pin is connected to USB SLAVE interface.
2 EEPROM WP Set it to LOW to avoid writing EEPROM
3 IP1/0 MXL7704 AN1/0 Pin of CM4 board
4 VADC COMP Video output
5 ETH IN ETH synchronize signal
6 PI_EN Synchronize with PI_RUN signal
7 PI_GLOBAL_EN MXL7704 power enable pin of CM4, Low to disable.
8 PI_RUN CM4 status pin, high for On. Pull-down it to foruce reset the CM4
9 WIFI_EN WIFI enable pin, Low to disbale, and NC to enable.
11 BT_EN Bluetooth enable pin, Low to disable and NC to enable.