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  1. Raspberry Pi Build HAT, Connecting Raspberry Pi with LEGO

    $29.31 - $29.99
    Raspberry Pi Build HAT, Connect Raspberry Pi Computing Power With LEGO Technic Motors And Sensors
  2. RPi Motor Driver Board

    $27.49 - $28.99
    Raspberry Pi Expansion Board, Power Relay
  3. General Driver board for Robots, Based on ESP32, multi-functional, supports WIFI, Bluetooth and ESP-NOW communications

    $27.31 - $27.99
    General Driver board for Robots, Based on ESP32, multi-functional, supports WIFI, Bluetooth and ESP-NOW communications, Compatible with Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano
  4. Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi, Drives Two Stepper Motors

    $17.29 - $18.99
    Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi, Drives Two Stepper Motors, Up to 1/32 Microstepping
  5. 2-DOF Pan-Tilt HAT for Raspberry Pi

    $16.63 - $17.99
    2-DOF Pan-Tilt HAT for Raspberry Pi, Light Intensity Sensing, I2C Interface
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