Displays / Buttons / Sound

  1. 1.8inch colorful display module for micro:bit, 160x128

    $19.29 - $19.99
    1.8inch colorful display module for micro:bit, 160x128 pixels, 65K colors
  2. Gamepad module for micro:bit, Joystick and Buttons

    $14.29 - $14.99
    Gamepad expansion module for micro:bit, plays music, powered from battery, also charges the battery
  3. Mini Piano Module for micro:bit, Touch Keys to Play Music

    $12.31 - $12.99
    Mini Piano Module for micro:bit, Touch Keys to Play Music, with 4x RGB LEDs
  4. Speaker for micro:bit, Music Player

    $11.39 - $11.99
    Speaker Module for micro:bit, makes it become a music player