
  1. nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.0 Evaluation Kit

    $20.89 - $21.99
    nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.0 Evaluation Kit, BLE, MESH, 2.4G, Arduino / Raspberry Pi Connectivity
  2. Bluetooth 4.0 NRF51822 Eval Kit

    $16.29 - $17.99
    BLE4.0 Bluetooth 2.4G Development/Evaluation Kit designed for nRF51822
  3. Universal e-Paper Raw Panel Driver Board, ESP32 WiFi / Bluetooth Wireless

    $14.19 - $14.99
    Universal e-Paper Driver Board with WiFi / Bluetooth SoC ESP32 onboard, supports various Waveshare SPI e-Paper raw panels
  4. ESP32 One, mini Development Board with WiFi / Bluetooth, Optional Camera

      $14.99 - $19.99
    ESP32 One, mini Development Board with WiFi / Bluetooth, Optional Camera
  5. nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.0 Module, Small & Stable

    $13.97 - $14.99
    nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.0 Module, Small Size, Stable Performance
  6. Bluetooth 4.0 NRF51822 Core Board

    $8.31 - $8.99
    BLE4.0 Bluetooth 2.4G Wireless Module, nRF51822 Onboard
  7. Bluetooth 4.0 Motherboard

    $7.99 - $8.99
    BLE4.0 Bluetooth 2.4G Mother Board, provides I/O expansion connectors and various interfaces
  8. ESP32-CAM, Camera Module Based On ESP32, OV2640 Camera and ESP32-CAM-MB adapter Included

    $7.39 - $7.99
    ESP32-CAM, Camera Module Based On ESP32, OV2640 Camera and ESP32-CAM-MB adapter Included
  9. NodeMCU-32S, ESP32 WiFi+Bluetooth Development Board

    $7.39 - $7.99
    NodeMCU-32S, ESP32 Development Board, WiFi / Bluetooth / UART / Keys / Extension Headers
  10. Bluetooth 4.0 NRF51822 Core Board, Small Factor

    $5.99 - $6.99
    BLE4.0 Bluetooth 2.4G Wireless Module, nRF51822 Onboard